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DE-kupl annotation is part of the DE-kupl package, and performs annotations of DE contigs identified by DE-kupl.


Creating the index

To use DEkupl Annotation, you first need to build an index directory, that will prepare all the file for annotation.

Required file are a genome as a multi-FASTA and annotations in a GFF3 format. Both of this file can be downloaded from Ensembl.

Input files can be gzipped.

    dkpl index -g gff_file -f genome.fasta -i index_dir

  Mandatory Arguments:
      -a,--annotations FILE   GFF annotation file
      -g,--genome FILE        Genome if FASTA format
      -i,--index DIR          Output index directory.

  Optional Arguments:
      -h,--help           show this help message and exit
      -t,--threads INT    Number of threads
      --star              Index the genome with STAR (for discovery of chimeric RNA)
                          It needs ~30gb of RAM for Human genome

You can use the --star option to create a index of the genome with STAR that will be used during the annotation for searching chimeric RNA (fusions, circRNA, etc). STAR index is loaded into memory and requires up to 30gb for the human genome.

Annotating contigs

Once an index has been constructed you can annotate contigs from a DEkupl-run. The minimal input to run DEkupl-annotation is the contigs file (merged-diff-counts.tsv.gz) produced by DEkupl-run. If the input files are stranded, you need to add the --stranded option, in order to get the annotations on the right strand.

    dkpl annot -i index_dir/ merged-diff-counts.tsv.gz

  Requiered Arguments:
      -i,--index DIR      path to the index directory (created with dekupl-annotation index)

      -o,--output DIR     path to the output directory (default: "DEkupl_annotation/")
      -d,--deg FILE       (Optional) {A}vs{B}-DEGs.tsv (diff. genes in "gene_expression" directory from Dekupl-run result)
      --norm-gene-counts FILE
                          (Optional) Normalized gene counts
      --sample-conditions FILE
                          (Optional) Sample conditions. First column is sample name,
                          second column is sample condition)
      --repeat            FILE
                    	  (Optional) Repeat sequences reference. See more detail below.

  Optional Arguments:
      -t,--threads INT    Number of threads (for GSNAP)
      -s,--stranded       RNA-Seq is strand-specific.
      -p,--deg-padj       padj diff. gene threshold (default : 0.05)
                          Splice with greater length are considered as chimeric junctions (default 1000000)
      --contig-color INT  Contig color mode (default 1):
                            1 : contigs on forward strand are in red (contigs on reverse strand are in blue)
		                        2 : contigs on forward strand are in blue (contigs on reverse strand are in red)
                          Allow input tweaked by Kamrat analysis (with an additional score column)
      -h,--help           show this help message and exit
      -v,--verbose        print additional debug messages

Output files will be placed under the DEkupl_annotation directory unless you specify another output directory with -o option.

Extra file can be supplied to complete the annotation process (see ontology table) :

  • differentially expressed genes (--deg) for DEG analyzer
  • normalized gene counts (--norm-gene-counts) and sample conditions (--sample-conditions) for Switches analyzer.
  • repeat sequence fasta file (--repeat) for annotating repeats. A human repeat file from DFAM3.1 (the Repeatmasker database PMID:23203985) is available in the toy firectory. Each contig will be aligned to the repeat file using Blast and significant hits will be reported with their repeat identifier. Furthermore, an entropy filter will be applied to the contig and any high entropy contig will be reported as "Simple repeat".

If the index was created with the --star option, then dkpl-annot will look for chimeric junctions.

Tutorial & toys

Toy files are available with this repository to test dkpl-annot.

dkpl index -g toy/references/GRCh38-chr22.fa.gz -a toy/references/GRCh38-chr22.gff.gz -i test_index
dkpl annot -i test_index --deg toy/dkpl-run/DEGs.tsv.gz --norm-gene-counts toy/dkpl-run/normalized_counts.tsv --sample-conditions toy/dkpl-run/sample_conditions_full.tsv toy/dkpl-run/merged-diff-counts.tsv.gz


We recommand tu use singularity to install dekupl-annotation, but you can also use Docker, and manual installation.

Option 1: Use dekupl-annotation with singularity

One can create a singularity container from the docker image.

  • Step 1: Build Singularity image
    singularity build dekupl-annotation.simg docker://transipedia/dekupl-annotation:1.0.3

It's advised to mount some volumes (input/output directories). To mount the "/store" volume you should use "--bind /store:/mnt". That way, you can access the /store directory by using /mnt. For example, if your input files for the index are located at /store/references/{files} :

  • Step 2a: Run dekupl-annotation index with mounted volumes
    singularity run --bind /store:/mnt ./dekupl-annotation.simg index -g /mnt/references/GRCh38-chr22.fa.gz \
    -a /mnt/references/GRCh38-chr22.gff.gz -i mnt/index    

Then, if your DEkupl_run files are located at /store/DEkupl_result/{files} :

  • Step 3a: Run dekupl-annotation annot with mounted volumes
    singularity run --bind /store:/mnt ./dekupl-annotation.simg annot -i /mnt/index /mnt/DEkupl_result/case_vs_control_kmer_counts/merged-diff-counts.tsv.gz -o ./ --sample-conditions /mnt/DEkupl_result/metadata/sample_conditions_full.tsv --deg /mnt/DEkupl_result/gene_expression/normalvstumor-DEGs.tsv --norm-gene-counts /mnt/DEkupl_result/gene_expression/normalized_counts.tsv --repeat /mnt/references/homo_sapiens/RMBlastLib.fasta    

Alternatively (Not advised !), you can move every input file in the directory where dekupl-annotation is running (subdirectories allowed).

  • Step 2b: Run dekupl-annotation with every input file in dekupl-annotation.simg directory
    singularity run ./dekupl-annotation.simg index -g references/GRCh38-chr22.fa.gz \
    -a toy/references/GRCh38-chr22.gff.gz -i index
    singularity run ./dekupl-annotation.simg annot -i index DEkupl_result/case_vs_control_kmer_counts/merged-diff-counts.tsv.gz -o ./ --sample-conditions DEkupl_result/metadata/sample_conditions_full.tsv --deg DEkupl_result/gene_expression/normalvstumor-DEGs.tsv --norm-gene-counts DEkupl_result/gene_expression/normalized_counts.tsv --repeat references/homo_sapiens/RMBlastLib.fasta    

Option 2: Use dekupl-annotation with Docker

- **Step 1: Retrieve the docker image.**
    docker pull transipedia/dekupl-annotation:1.0.3
- **Step 2: Run dekupl-annotation**.
    You will need to mount some volumes (input and output directories). If your input files for the index are located at /store/references/{files}
    docker run --rm -v /store/:/data/ \
    transipedia/dekupl-annotation index -g /data/references/GRCh38-chr22.fa.gz \
    -a /data/references/GRCh38-chr22.gff.gz -i /data/index

Option 3: Install from the sources (not recommended)

  • Step 1: Install dependancies. Before using Dekupl-annotation, install these dependencies:
    • Required: bash (version >= 4.3.46), R (version >= version 3.2.3) with libraries DESeq2, GSNAP (version >= 2016-11-07), samtools (version >= 1.3) & blast (version >= 2.5.0+)
    • Optional : STAR (version >= 2.5.3) for chimeric RNA
    • Installing dependancies on Linux Debian
    apt-get install cpanminus libdist-zilla-perl gmap samtools ncbi-blast+ rna-star
    Rscript install_r_packages.R # Install DESeq2 from bioconductor
  • Step 2: Install dekupl-annot
    • Global install: The following command, will clone the repository and install dkpl-annot globaly with dzil and cpanm.
    git clone -branch ALtweaks && cd dekupl-annotation
    dzil install --install-command 'cpanm .'
    • Local install: For local install you need to use the -l LOCAL_DIR parameter of cpanm. Then you need to make sure that the Perl library that have been installed locally are available to the path using the PERL5LIB environnement variable.
    dzil install --install-command 'cpanm -l $HOME/.local .'
    export PERL5LIB=$HOME/.local/lib/perl5:$PERL5LIB

Output files

  • Table DiffContigsInfos.tsv, summarizing for each contig, its location on the genome (if it's aligned), the neighborhood, the sequence alignment informations, and the differential expression informations.

  • BED file diff_contigs.bed for the visualization ; it contains useful informations from the summarization table. BED12 file of aligned contigs with GSNAP/Blast, with strand-specific color (red : strand + ; blue : strand - ; grey : unstranded). Color intensity is scaled on the log2FC value.

  • Table ContigsPerLoci.tsv, contigs grouped by loci (genic, antisense, intergenic, unmapped). The locus ID for a genic/antisense locus is the Ensembl ID followed by the strand (separated by "&"). For an intergenic locus, we have the concatenation of : chromosome, strand, 5'-gene, 3'-gene (separated by "&").


Term Type Analyzer File Source Description
tag Str Contigs contigs kmer of reference
nb_merged_kmers Int Contigs contigs Number of k-mer merged to produce the contig
contig Str Contigs contigs Sequence of the contig
contig_size Int Contigs contigs Size (in nucleotides) of the contig
pvalue Float Contigs contigs Pvalue statistics from dekupl-run
meanA Float Contigs contigs Average counts for condition A
meanB Float Contigs contigs Average counts for condition B
log2FC Float Contigs contigs Log2 Fold-Change between samples in condition A vs B
is_mapped Bool Bam bam Is the contig mapped to at least one location
line_in_sam Int Bam bam Line number in the SAM/BAM
chromosome Str Bam bam Chromosome
start Int Bam bam Begining of the alignment on the reference
end Int Bam bam End of the alignment on the reference
strand Char Bam bam Strand of the alignment (+/-). set to NA is unstranded data.
cigar Str Bam bam CIGAR string from the SAM alignment.
nb_insertion Int Bam bam Number of insertions in the alignment (from cigar)
nb_deletion Int Bam bam Number of deletions in the alignment (from cigar)
nb_splice Int Bam bam Number of splices in the alignment (from cigar)
nb_snv Bool Bam bam Number of SNV in the contigs (computed as the number of mismatches minus indels)
clipped_3p Bool Bam bam Number of clipped bases (soft/hard) from 3prim contig
clipped_5p Bool Bam bam Number of clipped bases (soft/hard) from 5prim contig
is_clipped_3p Bool Bam bam True if contig's 3prim is soft/hard clipped (from cigar)
is_clipped_5p Bool Bam bam True if contig's 5prim is soft/hard clipped (from cigar)
query_cover Float Bam bam Fraction of the query that have been aligned to the reference
alignment_identity Float Bam bam Fraction of exact match over the query alignment length (splices do not count)
nb_hit Int Bam bam Number of alignment given for the contig (NH field)
nb_mismatches Int Bam bam Number of mismatches in the alignment (NM field)
is_chimeric Bool ChimericRNA Chimeric.out.junction (STAR) The contig contains a chimeric junctions
chimeric_junctions Str ChimericRNA Chimeric.out.junction (STAR) List of chimeric junctions (format: `chr1:pos1:strand1
gene_id Str Annotations gff Overlapping gene ID (from GFF ID field). On the same strand if --stranded option.
gene_symbol Str Annotations gff Overlapping gene symbol (from GFF Name field). On the same strand if --stranded option.
gene_strand Char Annotations gff Overlapping gene strand (+/-). On the same strand if --stranded option.
gene_biotype Str Annotations gff Overlapping gene biotype (from GFF biotype field). On the same strand if --stranded option.
as_gene_id Str Annotations gff Overlapping antisense gene ID (from GFF ID field). Only defined if --stranded option.
as_gene_symbol Str Annotations gff Overlapping antisense gene symbol (from GFF Name field). Only defined if --stranded option.
as_gene_strand Char Annotations gff Overlapping antisense gene strand (+/-). Only defined if --stranded option.
as_gene_biotype Str Annotations gff Overlapping antisense gene biotype (from GFF biotype field). Only defined if --stranded option.
upstream_gene_id Str Annotations gff Nearest downstream gene ID. Same strand if --stranded option, downstream otherwise.
upstream_gene_symbol Str Annotations gff Nearest downstream gene symbol. Same strand if --stranded option, downstream otherwise.
upstream_gene_strand Str Annotations gff Nearest downstream gene strand (+/-).
upstream_gene_biotype Str Annotations gff Nearest downstream gene biotype.
downstream_gene_id Str Annotations gff Nearest upstream gene ID. Same strand if --stranded option, upstream otherwise.
downstream_gene_symbol Str Annotations gff Nearest upstream gene symbol. Same strand if --stranded option, upstream otherwise.
downstream_gene_strand Str Annotations gff Nearest upstream gene strand (+/-).
downstream_gene_biotype Str Annotations gff Nearest upstream gene biotype.
exonic Bool Annotations gff Overlap between an exon and the contig. Same strand if --stranded option, both strand otherwise.
intronic Bool Annotations gff Overlap between an intron and the contig. Same strand if --stranded option, both strand otherwise.
gene_is_diff Bool DEG DEGs The main annotated gene (gene_id ontology) is differantially expressed
du_pvalue Float Switches DEGs P-value for contig differential usage
du_stats Float Switches gene_counts, sample_conditions Differential usage statistic
rep_type Str RepeatAnnotation fasta Repeat Annotation (Blast + Entropy filter)

Dev environnement

For developpement, git clone this repository and enter the project folder.

Then, add the local dir to the PERL5LIB env var to use the modules locally.

export PERL5LIB=$PWD/lib:$PERL5LIB


Annotate DE contigs identified by DE-kupl.






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Contributors 3

