TPaga ruby gem provides the functionality to call the multiple services of the TPaga platform.
To install as a gem in your environment type in your console:
gem install tpaga
If you want to use in your rails application, add to your Gemfile:
gem 'tpaga'
And run from your application directory:
bundle install
If you are going to run tpaga in a rails environment add to the environment file (ex: environments/development.rb
) the following lines:
config.tpaga_schema = 'https'
config.tpaga_host = ''
config.tpaga_base_path = '/api'
config.tpaga_api_key = 'd13fr8n7vhvkuch3lq2ds5qhjnd2pdd2'
using the respective api key for your TPaga user account.
Next add the the file tpaga.rb
to the rails initializers (ex: initializers/tpaga.rb
) with he following lines:
require 'tpaga'
Tpaga::Swagger.configure do |config|
config.scheme = Rails.application.config.tpaga_schema = Rails.application.config.tpaga_host
config.base_path = Rails.application.config.tpaga_base_path
config.api_key = Rails.application.config.tpaga_api_key
config.inject_format = false
if you are not using rails, just simply initialize the service with the lines in the tpaga initializer before you call any service of the api.
You can create a customer:
# if outside from rails
require 'tpaga'
# creating a tpaga customer object
customer =
firstName: 'foo',
lastName: 'bar',
email: '',
phone: '0000000000',
gender: 'M'
# call of the service to create the customer in the TPaga account
customer = Tpaga::CustomerApi.create_customer customer # The unique identifier of the customer in the TPaga account
# if the request cannot be completed, raise a generic error
Get a customer by it's id:
customer = Tpaga::CustomerApi.get_customer_by_id 'id'
# returns a Tpaga::Customer object, raise error if not
Delete a customer by it's id:
response = Tpaga::CustomerApi.delete_customer_by_id 'customer_id'
# return nil if success, raise an error if not
You can add a credit card to existing customers:
# build the credit card object to create
credit_card_create =
primaryAccountNumber: '4111111111111111',
expirationMonth: '08',
expirationYear: '2019',
cardVerificationCode: '789',
cardHolderName: 'Jon Snow',
credit_card = Tpaga::CreditCardApi.add_credit_card 'customer_id', credit_card_create
# returns a Tpaga::CreditCard object, raise error if not
you can get the credit card of customers:
credit_card = Tpaga::CreditCardApi.get_credit_card_by_id 'customer_id', 'credit_card_id'
# return a Tpaga::CreditCard object, raise error if not
You can delete the credit card of customers:
Tpaga::CreditCardApi.delete_credit_card_by_id 'customer_id', 'credit_card_id'
# return nil if success, raise error if not
You can charge a credit card:
# build the charge object
charge =
amount: 10000,
taxAmount: 10000 * 0.1,
currency: 'COP',
orderId: 'Your identifier for the order',
installments: 1,
description: 'A new leash for ghost',
creditCard: 'credit_card_id'
charge = Tpaga::CreditCardApi.add_credit_card_charge charge
# return a Tpaga::CreditCardCharge object, raise error if not
Retrieve a charge by it's id:
charge = Tpaga::CreditCardApi.get_credit_card_charge_by_id 'charge_id'
# return a Tpaga::CreditCardCharge object, raise error if not