Investigation service for ToxBank.
Dependencies: ruby 2.0.x, git, zip, java, curl, wget
gem install toxbank-investigation
toxbank-investigation-install # service setup, configuration and webserver start
get the development branch:
git clone
cd toxbank-investigation
git checkout development
edit Gemfile
uncomment and edit if you want to use github versions of opentox gems
gem 'opentox-server', :git => "git://", :branch => "development"
gem 'opentox-client', :git => "git://", :branch => "development"
uncomment and edit if you want to use local installations of opentox gems
gem 'opentox-server', :path => "~/opentox-server"
gem "opentox-client", :path => "~/opentox-client"
install the service via bundler gem
bundle install
# Do you want to start the webserver? (y/n)
# Answer "n"
unicorn -c unicorn.rb # starts server as defined in unicorn.rb
# unicorn -h: more options
see also
see also
- ToxBank API documentation with examples see ToxBank API wiki
- Code documentation at