An awesome style list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
Flutter is a mobile app SDK for building high-performance, high-fidelity, apps for iOS and Android, from a single codebase.
The goal is to enable developers to deliver high-performance apps that feel natural on different platforms. We embrace differences in scrolling behaviors, typography, icons, and more.
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Single Codebase, Two Apps with Flutter and Firebase (Google I/O '17)
- Flutter Labs - Building beautiful UIs with Flutter step by step
- Zero to One with Flutter - Flutter basics by Mikkel Ravn
- FLUTTER from Install to ListView - Full series of 4 articles by Chema Rubio
- What’s Revolutionary about Flutter - Comparison to other mobile SDKs by Wm Leler
- Coding an Android App - Setup and first app by Ashraff Hathibelagal
- Animated Chat - Building beautiful UIs with Flutter by Google Code Labs
- Firebase Chat - Firebase Flutter by Google Code Labs
- Planets-Flutter: from design to app
- Flutter Talks - Extensive list of Flutter videos in a dedicated Youtube Channel by Brandon Donnelson, Dart Developer Summit and others.
- Tensor Programming - Very rich content by Tensor Programming
- Dart Streams - Flutter dedicated channel on Dart-Streams
- Bram Vanbilsen Tutorials - Discover SDK using VSCode by Bram Vanbilsen
- Flutter tutorials from VoidRealms
- Mtechviral - [Hindi/English] Mtechviral Series By Pawan Kumar
- Flutter - High-production value, in-depth Flutter challenges, tutorials, and patterns.
- Zero to One Flutter Animation - Focus on animation by Mikkel Ravn
- Drag&Drop - By Erick Ghaumez
- Google Cloud Functions - Flutter App powered by Google Cloud Functions by Romin Irani
- Crashy - Demonstrate how to capture and report errors
- Securing Flutter Apps - By Mehmet Fidanboylu
- Flutter Redux Todo - Todo application by Victor Choueiri
- Test Flutter on Travis - Widget testing framework by Yegor Jbanov
- Building Apks/Ipas on Travis - Automated build for Android and IOS by Yegor Jbanov
- Flutter Gallery - Demo app for the material design widgets and other features provided by Flutter.
- Posse Gallery - Demonstration by Posse
- Flutter Examples - Simple basic isolated apps for budding flutter devs, by Nishant Srivastava
- Image Picker - Images Selection by Collin Jackson
- Zoomable Image - By Perlatus
- SpriteWidget - Toolkit for building complex, high performance animations and 2D games by Viktor Lidholt
- Color Picker - Primary, Accent & RGB colors selection by Hadrien Lejard
- 3D Object - Renders a wavefront .obj on to a canvas by Hemanth Raj
- Contact Picker - Picking a contact from the address book by Michael Goderbauer
- Parallax - ViewPager by Iiro Krankka
- Image Carousel - A image slider/carousel by Theo Bouwman
- Rich Text Editor - Text editor with style by Lung Razvan
- Material Color Picker - Based on the Google Docs color picker by Lung Razvan
- Parallax Image - Image parallax by Anatoly Pulyaevskiy
- StaggeredGridView - GridView with tiles of variable sizes by Romain Rastel
- Radial Menu - Animated Radial Menu by Victor Choueiri
- Google Map View - Displaying google map plugin by AppTree Software
- GeoCoder - Forward and reverse geocoding by Aloïs Deniel
- Flutter Map - Open-source map solution (based on Leaflet), easily customizable, contributions welcome. By AppTree Software
- Circular Chart - Animated radial and pie charts by Victor Choueiri
- Flutter Charts - LineChart and VerticalBarChart Library by Milan Zimmermann
- Sparkline - Sparkline by Victor Choueiri
- Charts - By Google Charts Team
- Flutter Plot - Pretty plots by R. C. Howell.
- Fluro - The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter with Navigation, wildcard, query, transitions by Posse
- Circle Indicator - Circle indicator for the PageViewer by Lung Razvan
- Quick Actions - Manage and interact with the application's home screen quick actions.
- Local Auth - Touch ID, lock code, fingerprint auth on Ios and Android
- Flutter Login - FaceID, TouchID, and Fingerprint Reader by Rody Davis
- Google Sign-In - Google OAuth
- Firebase Auth - Firebase OAuth
- Facebook Auth - Facebook OAuth by Kevin Segaud
- Flutter OAuth - Buffer, Strava, Unsplash, Github OAuth by Joe Birch
- Instagram - Instagram auth by Wilfried Mbouenda Mbogne
- Slack OAuth or Slack OAuth Firebase - Slack OAuth, optionally with Firebase Auth and Cloud Firestore integration.
- Flutter Markdown - Markdown renderer for Flutter. It supports the original format, but no inline html.
- Image Placeholder - While large images load, show a fallback asset by Faisal Abid
- Usage - Google Analytics wrapper for command-line, web, and Flutter apps.
- Firebase Analytics - Connect to Firebase Analytics API
- Analytics - Make your analytics a breeze! by Faisal Abid
- Mutisya - Online Flutter Studio by Paul Mutisya
- Travis CI for Flutter - Continuous integration by Yegor Jbanov
- Flutterial - Flutter Material Theme explorer by Erick Ghaumez
- Frosted Glass - Render effect by Collin Jackson
- Font Awesome - Font Awesome icons repack by Brian Egan
- FlutterIcon - Icon font generator
- Audio Plugin - Beta by Erick Ghaumez
- Audio Recorder - Record audio and store it locally by Jordan Alcaraz
- Video Launcher - Launch a video player by Erick Ghaumez
- Stereo - Playing music on iOS and Android by 2Find
- Speech Recognition - Speech to text by Erick Ghaumez
- OK Google - Integrate google assistant by Marcin Szalek
- Firebase Storage - Firebase as data storage
- Admob - GoogleAdmob supports interstitial ads in both iOS and Android by Brett Nesbitt
- Firebase AdMob - Ad integration using Firebase
- Flutter Billing - Enable billing on iOS and Android by Volodymyr Lykhonis
- Movie Details - Movie details page by Iiro Krankka
- Flutter Mates - How to load profiles from the API and a nice profile details page by Iiro Krankka
- Weather - Weather app to learn how to use Canvas and Animation by Alessandro Aime
- TodoMVC - TODO application ready to go with different flavors : Vanilla, Redux, built_redux by Brian Egan
- Restaurant Menu - 🍝 restaurant menu by Braulio Cassule
- UI Challenges - Profile, Travel, Food App by Tomi Alagbe
- Cupertino Settings - iOS Settings by Matthias Rupp
- Music Player - music player component by Tobe O
- IntelliJ Plugin - Flutter on Intellij and Webstorm
- Dart Code - Plugin to get Dart with Visual Studio Code by Danny Tuppeny
- IntelliJ Snippets - More More More Snippets to get stuffs done even faster and also learn quickly by Robert Felker
- VSCode Snippets - Translated from IntelliJ IDEA Official Snippets by Franz Silva
- Flutter Plugins - Official Flutter Team Plugins
- Sqflite - SQLite flutter plugin by Alexandre Roux
- WebView - by Hadrien Lejard
- Pub Plugins - Flutters plugins filter in Dart Pub Repository
- Flutter Location - Handle location, handling callbacks to get continuous location by Lyokone
- QR Code Reader - QR Code reader plugin by Matheus Villela
- Battery - Access various information about the battery
- Zebra EMDK - Use Zebra EMDK to access Barcode Scanner API
- Proximity Sensor Plugin - A plugin to access the proximity sensor of your device by Manoj NB
- Flutter Ble - Bluetooth by Polidea
- Flutter Blue - Bluetooth by Paul DeMarco
- FriendlyChat - Offline/Firebase chat by a team of Googlers
- Meme Chat - Chat app on Flutter, using Firebase, Google Sign In, and device camera integration by a team of Googlers
- Flutter News - Hacker News client by Andres Araujo
- Flitter - Glitter app by Hadrien Lejard and Kevin Segaud. It use the Redux and Jaguar !
- Cooking App - by Óscar Caballero in the kitchen
- Lime - Lime social network by Sebastian Sellmair
- Flitch - Twitch client for Flutter by Matan Lurey.
- WikiFlutter - Wikipedia reader by Nano WANG
- DartHub - GitHub client written in flutter by Sam Thompson
- Planets-Flutter - Planet exploration that demonstrate rich UI by Sergi Martínez
- NewsBuzz - Firebase backed news reader using News API by Ankur Kedia
- Fluvies - Movie browsing app using MVP, PathProviders, FutureBuilders and Database by Dilpreet Singh
- DroidKaigi2018-flutter - Unofficial conference app for DroidKaigi 2018 Tokyo by konifar
- Heroes Companion - Companion app for Heroes of Storm including redux and sqflite by arranf
- CryptoShadow - CryptoCurrency Tracker by Hugo EXTRAT
- Trovami - A live location sharing app built on Flutter and Firebase as backend by Manoj NB
- Music Player - Full featured music player by Pawan Kumar
- Planty - Plants shop by Ivascu Adrian
- GreenCat - Port of Redux to Dart, including Redux Thunk
- Flutter built redux - Automatic subscribing to your redux stores. Based on the built pattern by David Marne
- redux.dart - Port of Redux to Dart with an ecosystem of middleware, Flutter integrations, and time traveling dev tools by John Ryan and Brian Egan
- flutter_redux - Built to work with redux.dart, a set of utilities that allow you to easily consume a Redux Store to build Flutter Widgets.
- Official Mailing list - Discussions, support, exchange on Flutter
- StackOverflow - Flutter team members in depth responses to your questions
- Reddit FlutterDev - Official Reddit chamber
- Hamilton - Introducing Hamilton — The Official App. Fans’ access to all things Hamilton: An American Musical.
- Newsvoice - Newsvoice shows all the news and perspectives from high quality sources in one place.
- Bendometer - "Harmonica tuner". Learn how to play bends on your harmonica.
- Ecuestre Digital - Ecuestre Digital provides real-time results and video streaming of Equestrian Events.
- Scrumizer - Scrum master and product owner certification trainer by Robert Felker
- Hookle - Manage your social media in one place
To the extent possible under law, Robert Felker has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.