creating a frontend application for a coupon system with login and logout capabilities and reports system showing the trafic usage of coupons and the option to export to excel
- only admins can create user accounts.
- has a reports system for coupons :
- searching all coupons created by a specific user (manager)
- searching all coupons between/at cetrain dates
- and export to excel
- be able to login and logout
- be able to create, view , delete and edit coupons.
- start at cart page
- has a default 100 nis transaction ready (for testing purposes)
- be able to apply coupon codes
- coupons have descriptions only admins can view
- coupon codes are not public and can only be used by applying its code.
- important : while a user uses a coupon add users ID and time of creation
- coupon can give a discount by % or NIS
- coupon can somtimes have expiry dates.
- some coupons can have a limit and cannot be used with other coupons.
- some coupons can be set with a limited usage.
using shadcn for the ui + fontAwesome redux - state tailwind - css
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh