Very Slow Movie Player using Python + Raspberry Pi
In December 2018, Bryan Boyer posted “Creating a Very Slow Movie Player”, an essay about light and Brasília and architecture in which Boyer builds an e-paper display that shows films at 24 frames per hour, rather than 24 frames per second so it takes about a year to play the 142 minutes of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
In August 2020, Tom Whitwell posted "How to Build a Very Slow Movie Player for £120 in 2020", with instructions on how to build a VSMP with the new 7.5-inch, Raspberry Pi-compatible e-paper display from Waveshare.
SlowMovie is the code that runs a VSMP on a Raspberry Pi.
Note: These installation instructions assume you have access to your Raspberry Pi and that you have the hardware set up properly. See the Medium post for more complete instructions.
SlowMovie requires Python 3. It uses FFmpeg via ffmpeg-python for video processing, Pillow for image processing, and Omni-EPD for loading the correct e-ink display driver. ConfigArgParse is used for configuration and argument handling.
You can quickly install this repository and all required libraries via an install script. This is a simple way to get started if you're not as comfortable with the command line.
To run the install script, open your terminal, copy-paste the following command in, and hit enter.
bash <(curl
You'll be presented with 4 options when you run the script:
- Install/Upgrade SlowMovie - download the repository and install/update any libraries needed
- Install SlowMovie Service - run the commands install the SlowMovie service file as described below
- Uninstall SlowMovie Service - uninstall the SlowMovie service
- Exit
For first-time automated installation, choose 1: Install/Upgrade SlowMovie. When prompted, you can choose "yes" to have the SlowMovie service installed as well which will enable playback to start automatically when the device is powered on or rebooted.
Note that the omni-epd
package installs Waveshare and Inky EPD driver libraries.
On the Raspberry Pi:
- Make sure SPI is enabled
- Run
sudo raspi-config
- Navigate to
Interface Options
- Select
to exit. Reboot if prompted.
- Run
- Set up environment
- Update package sources:
sudo apt update
- Make sure git is installed:
sudo apt install git
- Make sure pip is installed:
sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv
- Update package sources:
- Create & activate python virtual environment (venv)
- Create virtual environment:
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages .SlowMovie
- Activate virtual environment:
source .SlowMovie/bin/activate
- Create virtual environment:
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Navigate to the new SlowMovie directory:
cd SlowMovie/
- Copy the default configuration file:
cp Install/slowmovie-default.conf slowmovie.conf
- Make sure dependencies are installed - this will install the EPD drivers
sudo apt install ffmpeg
pip3 install ffmpeg-python
pip3 install pillow
pip3 install ConfigArgParse
pip3 install git+
- Test it out
- Run
. If everything's installed properly, this should start playingtest.mp4
(a clip from Psycho) from theVideos
- Run
Put videos in the Videos
directory. Run python3
to start the program.
The following options are available:
usage: [-h] [-f FILE] [-D DIRECTORY] [-l] [-R]
[-i INCREMENT] [-s START] [-F] [-S | -t] [-e EPD]
[-c CONTRAST] [-C]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE video file to start playing; otherwise play the first
file in the videos directory
directory containing available videos to play
(default: Videos)
-l, --loop loop a single video; otherwise play through the files
in the videos directory
-R, --random-file play files in a random order; otherwise play them in
directory order
minimum importance-level of messages displayed and
saved to the logfile (default: INFO)
Frame Update Args:
arguments that control frame updates and display
-r, --random-frames choose a random frame every refresh
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
delay in seconds between screen updates (default: 120)
advance INCREMENT frames each refresh (default: 4)
-s START, --start START
start playing at a specific frame
-F, --fullscreen expand image to fill display
-S, --subtitles display SRT subtitles
-t, --timecode display video timecode
EPD Args:
arguments to select and modify the e-Ink display
-e EPD, --epd EPD the name of the display device driver to use
-c CONTRAST, --contrast CONTRAST
adjust image contrast (default: 1.0)
-C, --clear clear display on exit
Args that start with '--' (eg. -f) can also be set in a config file
(slowmovie.conf). Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true,
stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at If an arg is
specified in more than one place, then commandline values override config file
values which override defaults.
The guide for this program uses the 7.5-inch Waveshare display, this is the device driver loaded by default in the slowmovie.conf
file. It is possible to specify other devices by editing the file or using the command line -e
option. You can view a list of compatible e-ink devices on the Omni-EPD repo.
Customizing other options of the display is also possible by creating a file called omni-epd.ini
in the SlowMovie directory. Common options for this file are listed below with a full explanation of all options available.
rotate=0 # rotate final image written to display by X degrees [0-360]
flip_horizontal=False # flip image horizontally
flip_vertical=False # flip image vertically
[Image Enhancements]
contrast=1 # adjust image contrast, 1 = no adjustment
brightness=1 # adjust image brightness, 1 = no adjustment
sharpness=1 # adjust image sharpness, 1 = no adjustment
SlowMovie can run as a service. To set this up you can either use option 2 from the install script ( see above ) or from the SlowMovie directory run the following:
envsubst <slowmovie.service.template > slowmovie.service
sudo mv slowmovie.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
When running as a service, you can use the config file (see above) to pick which movie to play and set all other options.
Now you can use the systemctl
command to start and stop the program, and enable auto-start on boot:
Command | Effect |
sudo systemctl start slowmovie |
Start the SlowMovie service playing |
sudo systemctl stop slowmovie |
Stop the SlowMovie service |
sudo systemctl enable slowmovie |
Enable the service auto-starting on boot |
sudo systemctl disable slowmovie |
Disable the service auto-starting on boot |
systemctl status slowmovie |
Display the status of the SlowMovie service |
tail -f ~/SlowMovie/slowmovie.log |
Show the logs for the SlowMovie service |
So, if you want SlowMovie to start automatically when the device is powered on, run:
sudo systemctl enable slowmovie
And if something goes wrong, the first step is to check the logs for an error message. The command above will show the last few lines of the log file but you can view the entire file located at ~/SlowMovie/slowmovie.log
with any text editor.
PRs accepted! Big diversions from core functionality or new features may fit better as a fork of the project.
Please read our contributing guidelines before submitting an issue or pull request.