Functions: each() - Iterates through every element in the collection of matched elements invoking callback on every one of them on() - Attaches callback function to one or more events of the matched elements. Events should be space-separated css() - Returns CSS property of the first matched element html() - Returns inner HTML of the first matched element attr() - Returns attribute attribute of the first matched element val() - Returns value of the first matched element toggleClass() - Removes class class from matched elements when they have it. Adds the class class to those that don't have it addClass() - Adds the class class to the matched elements removeClass() - Removes the class class from the matched elements hasClass() - Tests if the first matched element has class class remove() - Removes matched elements replaceWith() - Replaces every element from the set of matched elements with element show() - Shows the matched elements by setting display:block to all of them. hide() - Hides the matched elements by setting display:none to all of them. toggle() - Shows hidden elements from the set of matched elements, hides visible elements get() = Returns DOM element number index from the set of matched elements parent() - Returns parent of the first matched element next() - Returns element which comes after the first matched element in the DOM tree prev() - Returns element which comes before the first matched element in the DOM tree offset() - Returns array containing the first element's bounds find() - Returns children of the first matched element that match CSS selector selector children() - Returns direct children of the first matched element that match CSS selector selector text() - Sets inner HTML of the matched elements to plain text text. If text contains any HTML it will be stripped clone() - Creates a copy in memory (outside the DOM tree) of the first matched element append() - Inserts HTML before the end of every matched element is() - Checks if the first element in the set of matched elements matches given CSSSelector parents() - Returns parent elements matching given CSSSelector eq() - Returns element with offset index from the set of matched elements lt() - Returns element with offset index or smaller from the set of matched elements gt() - Returns element with offset index or bigger from the set of matched elements Static functions: $.ajax - Performs an asynchronous AJAX request of type GET or POST depending on value of isGET to the given url, sending queryString and calling successCallback on success $.post - Performs an asynchronous AJAX POST request to the given url, sending queryString and calling successCallback on success $.get - Performs an asynchronous AJAX GET request to the given url, sending queryString and calling successCallback on success $.prefix - Returns a prefix required for a given feature or false if this feature is not supported. For example to test if a web browser supports CSS animations try: $.prefix('animation') Plugins: jcore.animate animate() - Animates a transition of style attributes of the matched elements from current state to CSS in milliseconds time fadeIn() - Animates elements' transparency to fully opaque, hence the matched elements become fully visible in milliseconds time fadeOut() - Animates elements' transparency to full transparency, hence the matched elements become invisible in milliseconds time jcore.cookies cookie() - Returns true if the first matched element is visible, otherwise returns false jcore.visible visible() - Returns true if the first matched element is visible, otherwise returns false jcore.browsers isWebkit - Returns true if a web browser is Webkit-based, eg. Google Chrome 8+, Safari 6+, Opera 15+ isMozilla - Returns true if a web browser is Gecko-based (1.9.2+) eg. Mozilla Firefox 3.6+, Thunderbird 3.1+, Firefox Mobile 1.0+ (Fennec) isOpera - Returns true if a web browser is Opera 6+ isIE() - Returns true if a web browser is Internet Explorer 8+ isMobile - Returns true if a web browser is running on a mobile (tablet, phone) isOperaMini - Returns true if a web browser is running under Opera Mini isOperaMobile - Returns true if a web browser is running under Opera Mobile isAndroid - Returns true if a web browser is running under Android OS isBlackBerry - Returns true if a web browser is running under BlackBerry OS isiOS - Returns true if a web browser is running under iOS isWindowsPhone - Returns true if a web browser is running under Windows Phone OS isWindows - Returns true if a web browser is running under Windows OS isMac - Returns true if a web browser is running under MacOS isUnix - Returns true if a web browser is running under Unix OS isLinux - Returns true if a web browser is running under Linux OS
License: MIT Visit www.JCO.RE for documentation and live demos.