Basic search tool
Allows the user to search Netflix titles as of January 2021.
Imports the data with a self made .csv file importer.
HOW TO USE: Run the client program. Type 'A' to add a filter, 'R' to remove a filter, 'L' to list all matching titles. and 'Q' to quit.
There are a selection of filters you can add. Type the desired filter first selection first then your filter. (Not case sensitive)
Type: "Movie" or "Series"
Title: "Title Eternal Sunshine" (You do not have to type the full title, as it only looks for if it contains the string)
Director: "Director Micheal Bay"
Cast: "Cast Liam Neeson"
Country: "Country America"
Rating: "Rating PG-13" (Must be exact)
Genre: "Genre Horror"
Year: "Year >= 1990"
Runtime: "Runtime > 60" (Minutes for movies, seasons for TV Shows)
If you do not put one of the 9 selections above before your filter, it will match the titles that title, director, cast, country, genre, or description contains the inputed string.