That's my second site (landing page) for the portfolio. That's not a commercial work. Only for practice in new technology and design. You can check out site on free Host GoldHair
The site for barbershop but it can customize for other salons that propose their services.
- All site are adaptive & responsive on all divices:
- Mobile S/M/L - 320px/375px/425px
- Tablet - 768px
- Laptop/laptop L/ - 1024px/1440px
- Header with whole info
- (title, social network, contact phone[allow click & call], address, menu slide)
- Secton Services with barber shop services
- (chess slider can random change color and position)
- Section Fell our interior
- (slider with interior photos)
- Section leave an application
- (form for booking a service)
- Section Customer feedback
- (slider with clients feedback)
- Section Our partners
- (slider with partners logo)
- Footer with full info
- (social networks, page menu, address, all phones number, map )
- Also, page has preloader and scrollTop button
- Additional text fields filled Lorem Ipsum
- HTML5, Bootstrap grid,
- CSS3, flexBox, Sass,
- GIT, Gulp
- JQuery plugins: Mmenu, css-hamburgers, owl-carousel, fotorama, selectize
- Fonts: Raleway, Firasans
- Facebook: Anatolii Lukavenko
- Mail: