This is a humble attempt to create and visualize how different pathfinding algorithms work.
You can access the app by clicking 👉 here 👈
Disclaimer: this is still a work in progress. Expect some buggy behaviour while I build things up.
There are several Pathfinding Algorithms implemented in the app. You can set a situation, choose an algorithm and visualize how it gets solved and find a path from the start node to the end node, if there's any path available.
The Start Node
is pictured as a green circle, whereas the End Node
is pictured as a red star.
You can move (drag and drop) both nodes throughout the map (grid).
Also, you can add and remove Wall Nodes
than will represent locations the algorithm can't go through.
You can Generate a Maze
You can download a Maze
and/or upload your own maze design. The allowed format to do so is .txt
Available Pathfinding Algorithms right now are DFS and BFS. Choose your algorithm and click on "Run X Pathfinder!
" to visualize the algorithm in progress.
Pending Algorithm to be implemented: Dijkstra's
- JavaScript