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Estimate the energy consumption for heating and DHW by use of a physical model including uncertainty assessment

The package MobasyModel consists of a physical model for calculating the energy demand for heating and domestic hot water. Monitoring indicators (Energy Profile Indicators) or detailed building data may be used as input data.

For a simple energy performance calculation the function EnergyProfileCalc () can be used, which includes

  • an estimation of the envelope surface area

  • an estimation of U-values

  • an energy performance calculation (building and heat supply system) providing the final energy demand (heating + domestic hot water)

The full MOBASY calculation is implemented by the function MobasyCalc (), which includes in additin to the above mentioned elements:

  • the use of the German local climate by postcode

  • an uncertainty assessment

  • a comparison with measured consumption data (target/actual comparison).

The building data used as input can be loaded from a local Excel file or from an RDA file (R package "MobasyBuildingData").

The main output data can be found in the data frame "Data_Output". Interim results are accessible in the data frame "Data_Calc".


An overview of the method can be found in the following two articles:

Loga, Tobias; Stein, Britta; Behem, Guillaume. Use of Energy Profile Indicators to Determine the Expected Range of Heating Energy Consumption; Proceedings of the Conference "Central Europe towards Sustainable Building" 2022 (CESB22), 4 to 6 July 2022; Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings 38.470–477, 2022

Loga, Tobias; Behem, Guillaume: Target/actual comparison and benchmarking used to safeguard low energy consumption in refurbished housing stocks; Proceedings of the eceee Summer Study 2021.

As a template for the R script the Excel package "" was used. Download at: How ever the results may slightly differ due to different averaging procedures.

For more detailed information the following reports and articles in German language are available:

Loga, Tobias; Großklos, Marc; Müller, André; Swiderek, Stefan; Behem, Guillaume: Realbilanzierung für den Verbrauch-Bedarf-Vergleich (MOBASY Teilbericht). Realistische Bilanzierung und Quantifizierung von Unsicherheiten als Grundlage für den Soll-Ist-Vergleich beim Energieverbrauchscontrolling; IWU – Institut Wohnen und Umwelt, Darmstadt 2021; ISBN 978-3-941140-67-7;

Loga, Tobias; Behem, Guillaume; Swiderek, Stefan; Stein, Britta: Verbrauchsbenchmarks für unterschiedliche Dämmstandards bei vermieteten Mehrfamilienhäusern (MOBASY-Teilbericht). Statistische Auswertung der MOBASY-Mehrfamilienhaus-Stichprobe; IWU – Institut Wohnen und Umwelt, Darmstadt 2022; ISBN 978-3-941140-73-8; DOI:

Loga, Tobias: Was hat der Energieverbrauch von Mehrfamilienhäusern mit dem Dämmstandard zu tun? IWU-Schlaglicht 02/2022; IWU – Institut Wohnen und Umwelt, Darmstadt 2022; ISBN 978-3-941140-73-8

Loga, Tobias; Stein, Britta: Zusammenhang Energieverbrauch und Dämmstandard bei Mehrfamilienhäusern; Konferenzband der 14. EffizienzTagung Bauen+Modernisieren 11./12.11.2022; Energie- und Umweltzentrum am Deister e.u.[z.], Hannover 2022

Loga, Tobias; Großklos, Marc; Behem, Guillaume; Stein, Britta; Müller, André (2023): Unsicherheit der Energiebilanzierung und Vergleich mit Verbrauchsdaten für das PassivhausSozialPlus (MOBASY-Teilbericht). Verbrauchscontrolling auf der Grundlage von Energieprofil-Indikatoren im Vergleich zur Nutzung detaillierter Planungsdaten; IWU – Institut Wohnen und Umwelt, Darmstadt 2023; ISBN 978-3-941140-77-6


library (MobasyModel)


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


A description of the input and output variables of the different functions can be found in the help section of the package.




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