This is an english fan-translation project for IDOLMASTER SHINY COLORS: Song For Prism. It accomplishes this by modifying the localization file and Unity assets, aided additionally with dll hijacking through scsp-localify.
Guides for install and use can be found below.
This is based on the DMM version of the game and should work on linux and mac too, with some limitations.
Supports translating:
- Tutorials
- English Lyrics
- Most of the UI
- Skills, names, missions, and other such "dynamic" texts.
- Home interactions (Office characters)
- Produce Episode Stories
- Main & Event Stories
- Produce Card Stories
- Support Card Stories
- Event Stories
- Special Events (ie birthdays, anniversaries, april fools, etc)
- Finish translating remaining commus
- Re-do translations of produce card descriptions
- Translate Image files
Questions, Feedback, or want to Help with Translations?:Join the Discord
ShinySongTL is not affiliated with Bandai Namco and is purely a fan-community effort.
Assets are edited only for the purpose of translation and it is the maintainer's belief this is harmless and unlikely to be an issue.
Nonetheless such edits are of course against the relevant TOS so proceed at your own risk!
No maintainer nor contributor will be responsible for any issues encountered as a result of use.
A more detailed translation progress can be seen here
Progress percentages will fluctuate as the game gets updated*
A latest copy of version.dll from scsp-localify.
Here's an english guide made by the creator themselves if you need a more in-depth details -
The latest version of the scsp_localify folder and the scsp-config.json file from this github repository
Copy the version.dll file to your song for prism instalation folder which should be at: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\SONGforPRISM
The scsp_localify folder and the scsp-config.json file to the same folder. Your folder should look like this:
- The game should be patched now.
Download update.bat file into your computer and save it anywhere you want.
Change the "target_dir=C:\Users%USERNAME%\SONGforPRISM" line in the .bat file if you have the game installed somewhere else in your computer. But it should be fine to leave as is if you got the game installed in the regular directory.
Double-click the app and let the thing do it's job.
Your translation patch should be updated once it's done.
Update your translation patch periodically to keep the translation files up-to-date.
Shiny Colors Wiki
Project Imas Wiki
Shiny Colors ENG Patch project