All this work was done as part of my job at SAPO.
This is how I did it.
OSQA code base starting point was fantasy-island-0.9.0-beta3 obtained from the official site.
This is how I started:
I read the other authentication modules, found in:
I read the authentication process code, found in:
I have added a directory for this new module and placed an empty init file:
Then I coded the authentication module itself in:
This is how the module operates:
The module checks for the Shibboleth session ID variable, and proceeds if it is present.
The username and email are then retrieved from the respective Shibboleth session variables.
The module tries to load the user, by its email. If the user is found it is returned.
If the user was not found, it is created and then returned.
The user returned will be considered valid and authenticated by OSQA and a new session will be created for it.
I didn't make the authentication transparent. The user still has to click the "login" link to authenticate, but instead of loading to the login form URL, the Shibboleth authentication module URL is loaded. Then the authentication module checks the HTTP Shibboleth session headers and a new session is created.
The login URL was changed in file:
I looked for account/signin
and found the line:
url(r'^%s%s$' % (_('account/'), _('signin/')), app.auth.signin_page, name='auth_signin'),
Which I replaced with:
url(r'^%s%s$' % (_('account/'), _('signin/')),
{'url': '/account/shibboleth/signin'},
It is assumed that you already have:
- an OSQA instance installed and running
- the Shibboleth authentication system working
- a web server (or reverse proxy) with the Shibboleth module active and protecting the OSQA instance URL
Place the module inside the application root directory:
cd osqa_root_dir
cp -r /tmp/osqa-shibboleth/forum_modules/shibbolethauth/ forum_modules/
In my case these were the names of the relevant Shibboleth variables:
- the Shibboleth session ID, which indicates that there is a valid userHTTP_SSONAME
- the user's full nameHTTP_SSOCONTACTMAIL
- the user's email address
Most likely, you will need to edit the code in order to adjust these.
vim forum_modules/shibbolethauth/
If you are using exactly the same OSQA release I did, you can just copy my version of this file:
cp /tmp/osqa-shibboleth/forum/ forum/
Otherwise, perform the steps described in "Login URL change" manually:
vim forum/