Zenodo provide DOI for each tagged version, all DOI are available here
Method was described in :
Method is used in :
pip install pyeddytracker
To avoid problems with installation, use of the virtualenv Python virtual environment is recommended.
Then use pip to install all dependencies (numpy, scipy, matplotlib, netCDF4, ...), e.g.:
pip install numpy scipy netCDF4 matplotlib opencv-python pyyaml pint polygon3
Clone :
git clone https://github.com/AntSimi/py-eddy-tracker
Then run the following to install the eddy tracker :
python setup.py install
Several examples based on py eddy tracker module are here.
EddyId share/nrt_global_allsat_phy_l4_20190223_20190226.nc 20190223 adt ugos vgos longitude latitude ./ -v INFO
for identification, followed by:
EddyTracking tracking.yaml
for tracking (Edit the corresponding yaml files and then run the code).