This repository contains my constantly evolving (hopefully) vim setup.
- Clone this repository into ~/.vim on Linux or ~/vimfiles on Windows.
- Launch vim and run the Ex command
NOTICE: The bundle YouCompleteMe is a plugin with a compiled component. For this to work you need to install it manually by following the Instructions for your platform.
For older versions, Vim needs a link to use the vimrc in ~/.vim on Linux or ~/vimfiles on Windows. However there seem to be problems with this solution on Windows. Therefore it's better to create a ~/_vimrc file with the following line.
source ~/vimfiles/vimrc
After that you can follow the exact same steps as for Vim 7.4+ versions.
The main idea behind the management of this configuration is possible through
the use of the bundle manager
Plugins/Bundles for vim from github or only need to be listed
in the vimrc and will be installed by Vundle with the Ex command
Apart from that everything else is configuration of standard vim and plugins.