An interactive shopping node where MySQL and NodeJS are used to allow users to purchase items as a customer or view, track and update the product inventory as a manager.
Bamazon Customer Interface
The Bamazon Customer Interface allows users to view the current items available to purchase. The user will be prompted to enter the ID # and how many items they wish to purchase. If the item is in stock, the order will be completed and the user will see the total for their purchase.
Bamazon Manager Interface
The Bamazon Manager Interface allows users to view and edit the inventory of the store
The first option allows the user to see the list of products that are currently for sale, what department the item belongs to, the price of the product and how much stock is left for that product.
The second option allows the user to see a list of all inventory items that have less than 5 items in stock.
The third option allows the user to update the inventory for a specific product. A prompt asks what the id is for the product the user wants to update. A second prompt asks how many items they wish to add.
The final option allows the user to add new product to the inventory. Prompts ask the user for the product name, department, price, and quantity.
Thomas Kearney
- Javascript
- nodeJS
- npm packages:
- mysql
- inquirer
- cli-table
Copyright 2017 UNC Coding Bootcamp - Thomas Kearney