#This is version 1 of git Example.
Acoustic Sensor using RPi3
Table of Content:
- Configuration Instructions
- Installation Instructions
- Operating Instructions
- List of Project files
- Known bugs
- Contact information of the Programmer
- Credits and acknowledments
- Configuration Instructions
This section contains 2 parts: Hardware configuration and software configuration.
This project is built on a Raspberry Pi3, with a USB sound card and a microphone. Ethernet connection is recommended. If an older version of Raspberry Pi is used, certain change might be necessary.
First you have to set USB sound card as default audio device:
a> Boot up RPi and apply USB sound card. b> RPi onboard sound card doesn't have microphone interface -> change the default audio device to USB sound card c> Use command "lsusb" to check whether USB sound card is mounted.
d> Use “sudo nano /etc/asound.conf”command and put following content to the file: pcm.!default { type plug slave { pcm "hw:1,0" } } ctl.!default { type hw card 1 }
e> Go to your home directory. Use “nano .asoundrc” command and put the same content to the file.
==> Run “alsamixer” and you should be able to see that USB sound card is the default audio device.
Second you need to downgrade the alsa-utils from 1.0.28 to 1.0.25 :
a> Use “sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list” command and add the last line: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo aptitude versions alsa-utils
Package alsa-utils: i 1.0.25-4 oldstable 500 p 1.0.28-1 stable 500
b> Run “sudo apt-get install alsa-utils=1.0.25-4” to downgrade.
c> Reboot (if necessary)
d> Run “arecord -r44100 -c1 -f S16_LE -d5 test.wav” to test that your microphone is working. You should see a “test.wav” file in the current folder.
e> Put earphone on. Run “aplay test.wav” to check that your recording is okay.
- Installation Instructions
2.1> Download all the source file from this URL :
2.2> Open a computer with Linux OS
2.3> Go to the folder contain all the source file and type "make" (others command can be seen in makefile)
- Operation Instructions
- After the installation, simply execute "./wave.a" in the project folder.
- The screen will display the waveform (remember to change setting language UTF-8 of the Linux terminal for the bar character)
- The screen will also show the duration ,bits per sample and sample rate's values
- A log file has been made in order to record all the previous data and can be viewed in here :
- List of project files
The projects contains following files: : this file
--makefile : the makefile of this project
--wave.c : the module containing functions about wave processing
--wave.h : the header of wave.c
--screen.c : the module containing functions about screen manipulation
--screen.h : the header of screen.c
--comm.c : the communication module using libcurl
--comm.h : the header file of comm.c
--main.c : contains main() function
--raspsound.php : the server page to receive data
- Known Bugs
- No known bugs detected. Program runs smoothly
- Contact information of the Programmer
- Name: Nguyen Duy Thanh
- email:
- face book:
- Credits and acknowledgments
1> Mr. Gao Chao -- Email: 2> References : 3> Curl library -- Webpage: