This project display the weather and some news about subjects you like and the top headlines of your country each time you launch a terminal.
This project use an API called NewsAPI, you need to generate a key on their website, it's fully free you just had to create an account.
Type the folowings commands lines in your $HOME
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Then add your api key in ~/zshrc
between the quotes of export API_KEY="".
Delete the print_news
directory from your $HOME
Remove the command added to your ~/.zshrc
export SUBJECT="Apple"
export COUNTRY="fr"
export API_KEY=""
export CITY="Lyon"
cat ~/todays_news
You can modifie the export's lines in .zshrc :
-CITY : according to your location to get the weather
-SUBJECT : to get articles about a subject you like
-COUNTRY : to get the top headline of your country (Here are all the available country)
You can display articales about more than one subject by adding other export SUBJECT[1..n], add this command:
curl -G -d q=$SUBJECT[1..n] -d sortBy=popularity -d apiKey=$API_KEY> ~/print_news/artciles/$SUBJECT[1..n]
And add the new var to this command :
./print_news/print_news ~/print_news/artciles/$SUBJECT[1..n] ~/print_news/artciles/$COUNTRY >> ~/todays_news
You can modifie the colors and the number of articles in ~/print_news/include/print_news.h.
A bash script is present to show you all the colors you terminal is addling. Type this command to use it:
sh bin/ |& less
To get the same terminal's color as i do go into your terminal settings then profiles/color Color Presets at the bottom right and select Solarized dark