CarVision in an iOS app that let you take a picture of a car and thanks to Google AI Gemini gives you the brand, the model and so more.
git clone
On the project page tap cmd + n
, choose Propety List
and named it GenerativeAI-Info.plist
Then inside this file add the key API_KEY
and your gemini's api key as value.
See this page to get your own api key.
Go on FireBase and create a new app with your Bundle Identifier. You can get yours following those steps :
Than add a Storage and a Database. Don't forget to change the rules:
rules_version = '2';
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if true;
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if true;
See here a tutorial about how I made it.
enum APIKey {
static var `default`: String {
guard let filePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "GenerativeAI-Info", ofType: "plist")
else {
print("Couldn't find file 'GenerativeAI-Info.plist'.")
return ""
let plist = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: filePath)
guard let value = plist?.object(forKey: "API_KEY") as? String else {
print("Couldn't find key 'API_KEY' in 'GenerativeAI-Info.plist'.")
return ""
if value.starts(with: "_") {
"Follow the instructions at to get an API key."
return ""
return value
This enum get the API key from the plsit file we created before.
@MainActor func analyze() {
self.analyzedResult = nil
self.isAnalyzing = true
guard let uiImage = uiImage else {
self.analyzedResult = "Image could not be loaded"
self.isAnalyzing = false
let prompt = "Provide a complete description of the car including the following details:\nCar brand.\nModel.\nHorsepower (hp).\nTop speed in km/h.\n0 to 100 km/h acceleration time in seconds.\nNumbre of cylinder.\nEngine displacement.\nEngine Layouts like flat-6.\nTurbo's architecture.\nColor code like Boston Green Metallic\nGive me each information with the unit in that order per line and nothing more"
Task {
do {
let response = try await model.generateContent(prompt, uiImage)
if let text = response.text {
let components = text.split(separator: "\n")
if components.count < 10 {
self.analyzedResult = "Incorrect information provided"
self.isAnalyzing = false
await uploadImage(uiImage)
let brand = components[0]
let model = components[1]
let horsepower = components[2]
let speed = components[3]
let acceleration = components[4]
let cylinders = components[5]
let displacement = components[6]
let architecture = components[7]
let turbo = components[8]
let colorName = components[9]
car = Car(brand: String(brand), model: String(model), horsepower: String(horsepower), speed: String(speed), acceleration: String(acceleration), colorName: String(colorName), displacement: String(displacement), cylinders: String(cylinders), architecture: String(architecture), turbo: String(turbo), imageURL: imageURL)
Task {
await user.loadImage(for: car)
} else {
self.analyzedResult = "No response from the model"
} catch {
self.analyzedResult = "Error: \(error.localizedDescription)"
self.isAnalyzing = false
contains a string depending on the error if ones occure.
is a boolean to show a ProgressView while gemini is thinking.
let db = Firestore.firestore()
func addCarToDB(car: Car) {
let collectionRef = db
do {
try collectionRef.document("cars/\(").setData(from: car)
} catch {
Nothing tricky here, I just set the document's name to the car's id.
func deleteCar(car: Car) async throws {
do {
try await deleteImage(car: car)
try await db.document("cars/\(").delete()
if let index = history.firstIndex(of: car) {
history.remove(at: index)
} catch {
Again very easy because we can retrieve easly the document with the car's id.
func listenToItems() async {
do {
let snapshot = try await db.collection("cars").getDocuments()
let docs = snapshot.documents
let items = docs.compactMap {
try? $ Car.self)
self.history = items
} catch {
print("Error fetching items: \(error.localizedDescription)")
I get all the documents from the cars
collection and store them into Car
And saved the in the user's history.
func uploadImage(_ image: UIImage) async {
do {
let storage =
let storageRef = storage.reference()
let new_id = UUID().uuidString
let imageRef = storageRef.child("cars/\(new_id).jpg")
let metadata = StorageMetadata()
metadata.contentType = "image/jpeg"
guard let data = image.pngData() else { return }
_ = try await imageRef.putDataAsync(data, metadata: metadata)
let downloadURL = try await imageRef.downloadURL()
self.imageURL = downloadURL.absoluteString
} catch {
I create a new child and store the corresponding url in the new car item.
func deleteImage(car: Car) async throws {
do {
try await car.imageURL).delete()
} catch {
Once again nothing tricky.
class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
@Published var image = UIImage()
var imageURL: String
init(imageURL: String) {
self.imageURL = imageURL
func getImage() async -> UIImage? {
if let image = await loadImage(from: URL(string: self.imageURL)!) {
self.image = image
return image
return nil
func loadImage(from url: URL) async -> UIImage? {
do {
let (data, _) = try await url)
if let downloadedImage = UIImage(data: data) {
return downloadedImage
} catch {
print("Error downloading image: \(error)")
return nil
This class load the image from the given url and store it in an UIImage. The getImage func return an optionnal UIImage because Firebase database can't store UIImage and by setting it as optionnal it will be ignored.
func loadImage(for car: Car) async {
if let index = history.firstIndex(of: car) {
let vm = ViewModel(imageURL: history[index].imageURL)
let downloadedImage = await vm.getImage()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.history[index].image = downloadedImage
I called this func on all car from the history to set the optionnal UIImage to the downloaded image.
.onAppear {
Task {
user.isListening = true
await user.listenToItems()
for car in user.history {
await user.loadImage(for: car)
user.isListening = false
I'm calling it like that in the ContentView
I added a isListening
boolean to display a ProgressView
while the program is loading all the datas and images.