Checks if the file path is an nx romfs file (e.g. .romfs
, .bin
). It does not read the complete file nor does it depend on the file extension
var ROMFS_FILE = require("is-nx-romfs-file");
// If a valid nx romfs file is provided and exists at path specified
ROMFS_FILE.isNxRomfs("temp.romfs", function (err, is) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error while checking if file is nx romfs: " + err);
} else {
console.log("Given file is nx romfs: " + is);
//=> Given file is nx romfs: true
// If a valid nx romfs file is provided and exists at path specified
//=> true
$ git clone
This is asynchronous API for checking if file is an nx romfs. This API takes two parameters:
- File path which needs to be checked and
- callback, which is invoked when it checks the file to be an nx romfs or not or in case of errors
It throws
- TypeError if path is not provided or if provided but not of type String or if callback is not provided or if provided but not of type Function
- FileNotExists error which specified file does not exists.
Callback has two parameters:
- First parameter is error which is null in case of success
- Second parameter is boolean value which indicates if file is nx romfs or not
var ROMFS_FILE = require("is-nx-romfs-file");
// If a valid nx romfs file is provided and exists at path specified
ROMFS_FILE.isNxRomfs("temp.romfs", function (err, is) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error while checking if file is nx romfs: " + err);
} else {
console.log("Given file is nx romfs: " + is);
//=> Given file is nx romfs: true
This is synchronous API for checking if file is an nx romfs. This API takes one parameter:
- File path which needs to be checked
It throws
- TypeError if path is not provided or if provided but not of type String
- FileNotExists error which specified file does not exists.
It returns Boolean indicating if file at specified path is nx romfs or not
var ROMFS_FILE = require("is-nx-romfs-file");
// If a valid nx romfs file is provided and exists at path specified
//=> true