Install salesforce-js-remoting-utils from npm:
npm i salesforce-js-remoting-utils --save
Feature: Auto generate Ng Promise Api for jsMethod in AngularJS
NodeJS/Webpack + ES-6
// allApis.js
/** Define all your Apex @RemoteAction */
export default allApis {
demo: {
jsRemoteMethod: 'demo', // name of @RemoteAction
sfController: 'SPP_HomeCC' // name of Apex Controller that has remote method
demoWithParams: {
jsRemoteMethod: 'demoWithParams',
sfController: 'SPP_HomeCC'
// app.module.js
import {NgJSRemoteService} from 'salesforce-js-remoting-utils';
const app = angular.module('myApp', $globalInject)
.service('DemoService', DemoService)
.service('JSRemoteService', JSRemoteService)
// demo.service.js
/** ES-6 Syntax*/
import allApis from '../path/to/allApis.js'
export default class DemoService {
static get $inject() {
return ['JSRemoteService']
this.JSRemoteService = JSRemoteService;
demoGetApi() {
const demo = this.JSRemoteService.getNgApi(allApis.demo);
demo().then(res => {
console.log('Res', res);
demoGetApiWithParams() {
const demoWithParams = this.JSRemoteService.getNgApi(allApis.demoWithParams);
demoWithParams(param1, param2 , ...).then(res => {
console.log('Res: ', res)
Usage: In Visualforce page: In Browser, before ES-6
- Require
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- Require
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/angular.js"></script>
- Register your controller
<apex:page controller="HelloWordCCDemo">
- Register NgJsRemoteService:
app.service('remoteService', sfRemoteUtils.NgJSRemoteService);
- Inject to your controller:
app.controller('demo', ['$scope', 'remoteService', function($scope, remoteService)
- Declare your
is object that has 2 attribute :{jsRemoteMethod: 'methodName',sfController: 'controllerName'},
- Get your angular
by call:remoteService.getNgApi(allApis.apiName)
<!-- your vf page looks like-->
<apex:page controller="HelloWordCCDemo">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/angular.js"></script>
<body ng-app="ng-app">
<div ng-controller="demo">
<h1>TEST REMOTING</h1><br/>
<button type="button" ng-click="onHiBtnClick()">Call Remoting</button>
<td><label for="userName">Username: </label></td>
<input name="userName" type="text" ng-model="userName"/><br/>
<label for="email">Email: </label>
<input type="text" ng-model="email"/><br/>
<button type="button" ng-click="onHiWithParamsBtnClick()">
Call Remoting With Params
var allApis = {
Hi: {
jsRemoteMethod: 'Hi',
sfController: 'HelloWordCCDemo'
HiWithParams: {
jsRemoteMethod: 'HiWithParams',
sfController: 'HelloWordCCDemo'
var app = angular.module('ng-app', []);
app.service('remoteService', sfRemoteUtils.NgJSRemoteService);
app.controller('demo', ['$scope', 'remoteService', function($scope, remoteService) {
$scope.userName = '';
$ = '';
$scope.hello = 'Hello World';
$scope.hello2 = 'No content';
console.log('$SCOPE HELLO: ', $scope.hello);
// call without params
$scope.onHiBtnClick = function() {
console.log('VF SERVICE RESPONSE: ', res);
$scope.hello = res;
// call with params
$scope.onHiWithParamsBtnClick = function() {
console.log('$SCOPE USER NAME: ', $scope.userName, $;
const demoRequest = {userName: $scope.userName, email: $};
console.log('VF SERVICE RESPONSE: ', res);
$scope.hello2 = res;
<!-- End vf page -->
// your apex class look like
public class HelloWordCCDemo {
public class HelloWordRequest {
public String userName {get;set;}
public String email {get;set;}
public static String Hi() {
HelloWordRequest req = new HelloWordRequest();
req.userName = 'Nghia'; = '';
return 'Hello User: ' + req.userName + 'Your email is: ' +;
public static String HiWithParams(HelloWordRequest req) {
return 'Hello User: ' + req.userName + 'Your email is: ' +;
IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to register controller to VF page or you will caught Visualforce is undefined
Feature: Apply Callback to Javascript Remote Usage:
import {JSRemote} from 'salesforce-js-remoting-utils'
const demoCallback =(res) => {
console.log('Bingo, Response Found: ', res);
const remoteApi = {
jsRemoteMethod: 'Demo',
sfController: 'SPP_HomeCC',
handler: demoCallback
const jsApiGenerator = new JSRemote(remoteApi.jsRemoteMethod, remoteApi.sfController, remoteApi.handler);
// call api
// not has params
// pass params in jsApiGenerator.api(... params...)
jsApiGenerator.api(param1, param2, ...); // output: 'Bingo, Response Found: ...Message From Api...'
Feature: Create a Promise Api that inject $q
and $rootScope
// demo.service.js
/** ES-6 Syntax*/
import {NgJSRemote} from 'salesforce-js-remoting-utils'
export default class DemoService {
demoApiHandler; // target handler
// MUST INJECT $q and $rootScope to work!!!
static get $inject() {
return ['$q', '$rootScope']
constructor($q, $rootScope){
const remoteApi = {
jsRemoteMethod: 'Demo',
sfController: 'SPP_HomeCC',
// remember to pass $q and $rootScope to NgJSRemote()
const apiGenerator = new NgJSRemote(
this.demoApiHandler = apiGenerator.promiseApi();
// to call api do this:
this.demoApiHandler().then(res => {
/** Do whatever you want*/
}); // without any params
this.demoApiHandler(param1, param2, ...).then(res => {
/** Do whatever you want*/
}); // with params
// demo.controller.js
/** Demo usage in controller*/
export default class DemoController {
static get $inject() {
return ['DemoService']
constructor(DemoService) {
// call api
DemoService.demoApiHandler().then(res => {
/** Handling response here */