Hey im Lee! A self taught Developer, Music Producer, 3d artist, 2d artist and the list goes on! I have strong passion for anything in regards to creative outlets and am constantly seeking new things to learn!
Currently im working on a couple things, primarily learning Lua and Moonscript, aswell as Indie game development via Love2D and Godot! But the main things im working on currently include:
- Vtuber Boxing! (Exactly what it sounds like)
- My own Pixel art 2d Indie game using Lua and Love2D
- A couple small scripts and mods for popular games such as Baldurs Gate 3 and FiveM (GtaRP)
- My own MachineLearning AI assistant tool for EveOnline
When im not coding or working on various other Projects like Music or GameDev, im usually playing video games, or streaming live on Twitch (OR BOTH!), im an inspiring content creator in the making. Over the course of 2023 i have been consistently uploading content to YouTube, going live on Twitch, and networking like crazy in my spare time xD