Modification of the original wiringPi library to work with 64bit operation systems. Only tested on RPi3b, but in theory will work with any RPi that support the original wiringPi.
PLEASE don't send bugs to the original author!
To not use root user to acces to gpio, I recommend to use the kernel of sakaki
There are two possibilities, to install using the source code or using the precompiled binary:
Source code:
git clone
cd wiringPi
Precompiled binary:
apt install ./wiringpi-2.46.deb
Check if working:
gpio -v
Please note that the official way to get wiringPi is via git from and not GitHub.
git clone git://
The version of wiringPi held on GitHub by "Gadgetoid" is used to build the wiringPython, Ruby, Perl, etc. wrappers for these other languages. This version may lag the official Drogon release. Pull requests may not be accepted to Github....
Please see
for the official documentation, etc. and the best way to submit bug reports, etc. is by sending an email to