Gallery job assignment made in Unity 2021.2.8f1. Built version works on PC platforms (tested only on Windows and Linux).
Default path (which creates itself automatically on program launch): <PROJECT_PATH>/GalleryAssignment/GalleryAssignment_Data/Gallery
- Takes account of every recursive directory inside the main selected directory ("Gallery" as chosenDirectoryName variable in FileImageManager.cs),
- Works asynchronously (loads images in background, on different thread while the user can scroll and view others),
- Checks image by its image header not the extension (ImageHeaderChecker.cs),
- On start creates 3 placeholder images - bóbr.png, placeholder_0.png, placeholder_1.png. Remove Gallery folder to make it respawn.
- Containers - contain data, has more major behaviour than deploying/initializing for Objects,
- Objects - can be initialized with parameters,
- RelatedUtility - related to the project, but are more useable in different cases than others,
- Utility - not related to the project (can be used everywhere).