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The Big Brains Company

Passionate entrepreneurs

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  1. TbbcMoneyBundle TbbcMoneyBundle Public

    This bundle is used to integrate the Money library ( into a Symfony project. This library is based on Fowler's Money pattern (…

    PHP 195 73

  2. symfony-cqrs-edition symfony-cqrs-edition Public

    A default structure for CQRS oriented project and Symfony

    PHP 106 20

  3. TbbcCacheBundle TbbcCacheBundle Public

    Cache abstraction bundle for Symfony 2

    PHP 36 8

  4. TbbcRestUtilBundle TbbcRestUtilBundle Public

    Bundle for integrating tbbc/rest-util in a Symfony application

    PHP 30 5

  5. capistrano-symfony capistrano-symfony Public

    Capistrano extension for Symfony tasks

    Ruby 23 3

  6. composer-javascript composer-javascript Public

    Npm & Bower installation script for Composer

    PHP 17


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