Inexpensive self contained alarm system based on Esphome with optional Home Assistant integration.
I'm very open to critique and feedback to improve all aspects of this project, let's talk!
I live in a property with 4 separate buildings that I would like to protect and and monitor, a house, two barns and a static caravan.
My goal is to build an alarm system for each building around the following objectives:
- Fully self contained and works locally with no Internet or Home Assistant required
- When Internet is available sends updates to mobile devices using PushOver (could also use telegram or whatever)
- Built around ESP32 and Esphome software stack
- Off The Shelf components
- Supports multiple wired PIR sensors and magnetic door/window sensors
- Supports NFC/RFID tags to arm and disarm
- Inexpensive to build
- Easy to extend
- Easy to program (Esphome)
- Has it's own password protected web management page and native Home Assistant integration
- Fully wired
- All sensors available in Home Assistance for non-alarm purposes such as presence detection and to check door/window status, you can also use those sensors in Alarmo if you don't need a self contained system.
- Battery backup - I'm not sure how to approach this atm, maybe a 12v battery pack and inline mains sensor? Ideally an off the shelf part exists. I might resolve this using PoE as my network switch has a large UPS.
- Ethernet option (with or without PoE)
- 3D Printed enclosure or adapt an off the shelf project box?
- Learn Kicad and produce a custom PCB via PCBway or JLpcb (this looks like a fun learning experience)
- Maybe swap some PIR sensors for MmWave sensors, they are extremely cheap and might be a good option in some spaces. I'm thinking above rooms where ceiling access is available.
TL:DR - Reliability
I have a lot of experimented with all 3 of these wireless options in combination with Home Assistant but I've struggled with reliability, namely:
- Connections dropping / Interference
- Battery depletion on sensors
- Home Assistant / Z2M / Wifi issues
- Power loss
- Breaking updates to devices and Home Assistant
- Reboots of any critical component
When it works it's great! But it's simply not reliable enough to meet my needs due to the number of moving parts. It's hard to beat a single lower power devices with all sensors hard wired to it!
The first step was to put together a working prototype. After lots of trial and error these are the components that worked for me.
- Esp32Wroom £2.30
- Mains to 12vdc 1A transformer (LED driver) £1.71
- 12vdc PIR Motion Sensor Wired Alarm Dual Infrared Detector Pet Immune (2 pack) £10.13
- Magnetic door sensor - high quality (10 pack) £11.19
- 12vdc Flashing Siren, extremely loud £2.65
- RDM6300 NFC reader 125Khz RFID tag reader £1.52
- RFID tags (10 pack) £2.17
- MOSFET driver module to trigger the siren £1.10 - I had this laying around, you could use a logic level transistor which would cost £0.10
- DC-DC Buck Power Supply Module (12v to 5v) £0.62 (I'm using something similar that I had laying around)
- Wago 5 way connectors (temporary solution) £0.9 each
- 100m Roll of 6 core alarm cable £10.00 (inc delivery) for CPC Farnell in the UK
Total build cost for Prototype around £42 or $53 if that's your thing :-)
You could certainly make this cheaper, I've opted for PIR sensors with pet avoidance which cost £5.06 each, I saw PIR's for less than £1.00 that would probably work in a pinch, MmWare sensors are also very cheap.
Here is my working code, it supports:
- 4 Magnet sensors (supports many - see section below code)
- 4 PIRs (supports many - see section below code)
- 1 siren output (supports many)
- 1 NFC reader (2 supported)
- 3 NFC Tags (supports many)
- 1 Status LED
- 1 Buzzer for feedback
The code is commented and (hopefully) easy to read and alter for you needs.
name: "house-alarm"
friendly_name: "House Alarm"
priority: 250
- text_sensor.template.publish:
id: po_message
state: "Alarm booted"
- script.execute: pushover_message
verify_ssl: false
############ Boiler plate ############
board: esp32dev
type: arduino
# Enable logging
level: DEBUG
# Enable Web.
port: 80
include_internal: true
local: true
username: admin
password: !secret web_server_password
# Enable Home Assistant API
key: !secret alarm_api_key
reboot_timeout: 0s
- platform: esphome
password: !secret alarm_ota_key
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
reboot_timeout: 0s
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "Siren Fallback Hotspot"
password: !secret alarm_fallback_hotspot_pass
################################### start ###################################
buzzer_pin: GPIO5
siren_pin: GPIO23
led_pin: GPIO4
rfid_reader_pin: GPIO13
pir01_pin: GPIO39
pir02_pin: GPIO36
pir03_pin: GPIO35
pir04_pin: GPIO34
magnet01_pin: GPIO32
magnet02_pin: GPIO33
magnet03_pin: GPIO25
magnet04_pin: GPIO26
- platform: ledc
# One buzzer leg connected to buzzer_pin, the other to GND
pin: $buzzer_pin
id: buzzer
# Siren output
# alarm siren is on pin siren_pin. We activate the mosfet gate allowing 12v to pass
# A relay or trasister would do this just fine, I just had a mosfet module to hand
- platform: gpio
number: $siren_pin
mode: output
id: siren
# Status LED
- platform: gpio
number: $led_pin
mode: output
id: status_led
# Alarm activation state
# This switch tracks the state of the alarm, and can be used to manually activate it from the web UI or Home Assistant
- platform: template
name: "Armed State"
id: armed_state
optimistic: true
- switch.turn_on: status_led
- switch.turn_off: status_led
- switch.turn_off: siren
# I'm using this as a string variable for the pushover messaging script
- platform: template
name: "Pushover message"
id: po_message
# Pushover message script
- id: pushover_message
Content-Type: application/json
token: !secret pushover_api_token
user: !secret pushover_user_key
title: "House Alarm"
message: !lambda |-
return id(po_message).state;
# Set a grace period when arming / disarming the alarm with specific sensors, in my case I want the main door manget to:
# : On Entry: Don't set off the siren immediately, but give me XX senconds to present an RFID tag to disable the alarm
# : On exit: give me XX seconds to close the main door before arming.
- id: grace_period
- repeat: # beep and flash the LED x times
count: 10
- switch.turn_on: status_led
- delay: 200ms
- output.turn_on: buzzer
- output.ledc.set_frequency:
id: buzzer
frequency: "2000Hz"
- output.set_level:
id: buzzer
level: "50%"
- delay: 200ms
- output.turn_off: buzzer
- switch.turn_off: status_led
- if:
condition: # in the loop, check to see if an rfid tag as presented to disarm during the grace period
- binary_sensor.is_on: green
- binary_sensor.is_on: red
- binary_sensor.is_on: blue
- script.stop: rfid_detected
- text_sensor.template.publish:
id: po_message
state: "INFO: Disarmed during grace period"
- script.execute: pushover_message
- script.stop: grace_period
# Error beep sound
- id: error_beep
- output.turn_on: buzzer
- output.ledc.set_frequency:
id: buzzer
frequency: "2000Hz"
- output.set_level:
id: buzzer
level: "50%"
- delay: 3s
- output.ledc.set_frequency:
id: buzzer
frequency: "1800Hz"
- output.set_level:
id: buzzer
level: "50%"
- delay: 3s
- output.turn_off: buzzer
# Process to arm / disarm the alarm after an RFID is presented
- id: rfid_detected
switch.is_off: armed_state
then: # arm the alarm
- logger.log:
format: "** INFO: Alaarm is off, we are arming it..."
level: info
- delay: 300ms # required to allow rfid binary sensor time to tunr off
- text_sensor.template.publish:
id: po_message
state: "INFO: Arming..."
- script.execute: pushover_message
- script.execute: grace_period
- script.wait: grace_period
- if: # make sure these sensors are OFF (door closed) before actually arming...
binary_sensor.is_on: PIR02
- logger.log:
format: "*** ERROR: PIR02 prevented Arming"
level: info
- text_sensor.template.publish:
id: po_message
state: "ERROR: PIR02 prevented Arming"
- script.execute: pushover_message
- if:
binary_sensor.is_on: MAGNET01
- script.execute: error_beep
- logger.log:
format: "*** *** ERROR: MAGNET01 prevented Arming"
level: info
- text_sensor.template.publish:
id: po_message
state: "ERROR: MAGNET01 prevented Arming"
- script.execute: pushover_message
- switch.turn_on: armed_state # all sensors are CLEAR - tunn on the alarm
- logger.log:
format: "*** INFO: Sensors are clear - Alarm Armed"
level: info
- text_sensor.template.publish:
id: po_message
state: "INFO: Alarm is now ARMED"
- script.execute: pushover_message
# disarm the alarm
- switch.turn_off: armed_state
- logger.log:
format: "*** INFO: Alarm DISARMED"
level: info
- text_sensor.template.publish:
id: po_message
state: "INFO: Alarm DISARMED"
- script.execute: pushover_message
############ Trigger the siren ############
- id: alarm_triggered
# Sends a high priority alert notifcation to my pushover devices
# Phone will sound even during quiet hours and you have to acknowstatus_ledge the message to stop it
Content-Type: application/json
token: !secret pushover_api_token
user: !secret pushover_user_key
message: "The alarm has triggered"
title: "Alarm Triggered"
sound: "siren" # optional
priority: "2" # -2 to 2
retry: "30" # retry is mandatory with prio 2
expire: "60" # expire is mandatory with prio 2
# turn on the siren
- switch.turn_on: siren
# Setup the UART for the RDM6300 RFID reader
rx_pin: $rfid_reader_pin
baud_rate: 9600
# Enable the RFID reader
################################### PIR Sensors ###################################
############# PIR setup pins 34,35,36,39 ############
# These require the internal pullup resister to be disabled
# - platform: gpio
# id: PIR01
# name: "PIR 01"
# device_class: motion
# filters:
# - delayed_off: 300ms # the PIR sends a lot of activation traffic, this debounces it a single trigger
# pin:
# number: $pir01_pin
# mode:
# input: true
# on_press:
# then:
# - if:
# condition:
# switch.is_on: armed_state
# then:
# - AlarmTriggered
# - logger.log: "*** ALERT: Alarm Tripped - PIR01"
- platform: gpio
id: PIR02
name: "PIR 02"
device_class: motion
- delayed_off: 300ms # the PIR sends a lot of activation traffic, this debounces it a single trigger
number: $pir02_pin
input: true
- if:
switch.is_on: armed_state
- script.execute: alarm_triggered
- logger.log:
format: "*** ALERT: Alarm Tripped - PIR02"
level: info
# - platform: gpio
# id: PIR03
# name: "PIR 03"
# device_class: motion
# filters:
# - delayed_off: 300ms # the PIR sends a lot of activation traffic, this debounces it a single trigger
# pin:
# number: $pir03_pin
# mode:
# input: true
# on_press:
# then:
# - if:
# condition:
# switch.is_on: armed_state
# then:
# - AlarmTriggered
# - logger.log: "*** ALERT: Alarm Tripped - PIR03"
# - platform: gpio
# id: PIR04
# name: "PIR 04"
# device_class: motion
# filters:
# - delayed_off: 300ms # the PIR sends a lot of activation traffic, this debounces it a single trigger
# pin:
# number: $pir04_pin
# mode:
# input: true
# on_press:
# then:
# - if:
# condition:
# switch.is_on: armed_state
# then:
# - AlarmTriggered
# - logger.log: "*** ALERT: Alarm Tripped - PIR03"
################################### Magnet Sensors ###################################
# MAGNET01 is the MAIN DOOR and allows a 10s delay for the user to disarm the alarm before triggering
- platform: gpio
id: MAGNET01
name: "MAGNET 01"
device_class: door
number: $magnet01_pin
input: true
pullup: true
inverted: true
- if:
switch.is_on: armed_state
- logger.log:
format: "*** INFO: Main Door opened, starting entry grace period..."
level: info
- script.execute: grace_period
- script.wait: grace_period
- if:
switch.is_off: armed_state
- logger.log:
format: "*** INFO: Disarmed during entry grace period"
level: info
- script.execute: alarm_triggered
- logger.log:
format: "*** ALERT: Alarm Tripped - MAGNET01 - user did NOT disable during grace period"
level: info
- platform: gpio
id: MAGNET02
name: "MAGNET 02"
device_class: door
number: $magnet02_pin
input: true
pullup: true
inverted: true
- if:
switch.is_on: armed_state
- script.execute: alarm_triggered
- logger.log:
format: "*** ALERT: Alarm Tripped - MAGNET02"
level: info
- platform: gpio
id: MAGNET03
name: "MAGNET 03"
device_class: door
number: $magnet03_pin
input: true
pullup: true
inverted: true
- if:
switch.is_on: armed_state
- script.execute: alarm_triggered
- logger.log: "*** ALERT: Alarm Tripped - MAGNET03"
- platform: gpio
id: MAGNET04
name: "MAGNET 04"
device_class: door
number: $magnet04_pin
input: true
pullup: true
inverted: true
- if:
switch.is_on: armed_state
- script.execute: alarm_triggered
- logger.log: "*** ALERT: Alarm Tripped - MAGNET04"
################################### NFC Tags ###################################
- platform: rdm6300
uid: !secret red_nfc_tag
name: "NFC tag: RED"
id: red
device_class: presence
filters: # the NFC reader sends a lot of activation traffic, this debounces it a single activation
- delayed_off: 500ms
# - text_sensor.template.publish:
# id: po_message
# state: "INFO: RED tag presented..."
# - script.execute: pushover_message
- script.execute: rfid_detected
- platform: rdm6300
uid: !secret blue_nfc_tag
name: "NFC tag: BLUE"
id: blue
device_class: presence
filters: # the NFC reader sends a lot of activation traffic, this debounces it a single activation
- delayed_off: 500ms
- script.execute: rfid_detected
- platform: rdm6300
uid: !secret green_nfc_tag
name: "NFC tag: GREEN"
id: green
device_class: presence
filters: # the NFC reader sends a lot of activation traffic, this debounces it a single activation
- delayed_off: 500ms
- script.execute: rfid_detected
Initially I planned on adding a multiplexer chip to make more inputs available, but it turns out the standard ESP32Wroom modules have 19 pins that we can use for an alarm system, 15 pins for general IO and 4 more pins that are input only - ideal for sensors.
I need a maximum of 4 PIRs and 4 Door sensors, so I've assigned my pins like this:
- 34,35,36,39 - PIR sensors
- 25,26,32,33 - Door sensors
- 23 - Siren (connected to MOSFET)
- 13 - RFID reader (UART RX connected to RM6300 TX pin)
- 4 - RED LED to indicate armed status
11 PINS used, 8 available for other things.
If you need more GPIOs then a PCF8574 IO Expansion Board would be a good choice (£1.10 each), the boards connect to an I2C-Bus and have 8 GPIOs each, they can be connected in series to a maximum of 4 board or 32 additional GPIOs. The ESP32 supports dual I2C buses so that's 64 GPIOs on the expanders, plus 19 GPIOs on the esp32 for a total of 83 GPIOs.
A: I chose RFID tags as they allow me to track the alarm users - the logs show me who activated / deactivated the alarm and when. You also have the web interface or Home Assistant if you need to arm/disarm the alarm remotely. It's totally possible to add keypads if you need them.
A: You can ignore this, the "long time" is the debouncing delay for the RFID reader, the PIR sensors and the website interface updates, all built in ESPhome features.
A: Yes. I can't think of a good solution to avoid this, but the code is easy to manage so it only takes a minute to update.