Packages • Development • Docs • Contributing • Security • License
The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum, IPFS, Polygon, and other blockchains. Anyone can build and Publish open APIs, called subgraphs, making data easily accessible.
This repository is a Yarn workspaces monorepo containing the following packages:
Package | Latest version | Description |
contracts | Contracts enabling the open and permissionless decentralized network known as The Graph protocol. | |
eslint-graph-config | Shared linting and formatting rules for TypeScript projects. | |
token-distribution | - | Contracts managing token locks for network participants |
sdk | TypeScript based SDK to interact with the protocol contracts | |
solhint-graph-config | Shared linting and formatting rules for Solidity projects. |
To set up this project you'll need git and yarn installed. Note that Yarn v4 is required to install the dependencies and build the project.
From your command line:
# Enable Yarn v4
corepack enable
yarn set version stable
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd contracts
# Install dependencies
$ yarn
# Build projects
$ yarn build
We use changesets to manage package versioning, this ensures that all packages are versioned together in a consistent manner and helps with generating changelogs.
A changeset is a file that describes the changes that have been made to the packages in the repository. To create a changeset, run the following command from the root of the repository:
$ yarn changeset
Changeset files are stored in the .changeset
directory until they are packaged into a release. You can commit these files and even merge them into your main branch without publishing a release.
When you are ready to create a new package release, run the following command to package all changesets, this will also bump package versions and dependencies:
$ yarn changeset version
Note: this step is meant to be run on the main branch.
After creating a package release, you will need to tag the release commit with the version number. To do this, run the following command from the root of the repository:
$ yarn changeset tag
$ git push --follow-tags
Note: this step is meant to be run on the main branch.
Packages are published and distributed via NPM. To publish a package, run the following command from the root of the repository:
# Publish the package
$ yarn npm publish --access public --tag <tag>
Alternatively, there is a GitHub action that can be manually triggered to publish a package.
Coming soon
For now, each package has its own README with more specific documentation you can check out.
Contributions are welcomed and encouraged! You can do so by:
- Creating an issue
- Opening a PR
If you are opening a PR, it is a good idea to first go to The Graph Discord or The Graph Forum and discuss your idea! Discussions on the forum or Discord are another great way to contribute.
If you find a bug or security issue please go through the official channel, The Graph Security Bounties on Immunefi. Responsible disclosure procedures must be followed to receive bounties.
Copyright © 2021 The Graph Foundation
Licensed under GPL license.