New in this Release
Description | Notes |
Support for asymmetrically quantized LeakyRelu | This requires an updated version of C7x/MMA firmware (09_02_09_00) and needs to have the advaced_options:c7x_firmware set |
Fixed in this Release
ID | Description | Affected Platforms |
TIDL-4364 | Softmax layer with height axis and no output transpose results in functional mismatch on EVM | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4355 | 16-bit Elementwise Mul (Unsigned x Unsigned) results in overflow in the output in target flow | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4266 | Elementwise broadcast fails when both inputs have broadcasted dimension value = 1 | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4034 | Slice layer may functionally mismatch when preceeded by other slice/reshape layer combinations | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4031 | Elementwise layers with repetitive inputs results into "segmentation fault" during host emulation | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4395 | [High Precision Sigmoid] Host emulation output is wrong for '-128' input value | All except AM62 |
TIDL-3836 | Resize-nearest neighbour fails when enableHighResOptimization flag is set | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4001 | 16-bit Softmax Kernel generates wrong output if plane width and height are not equal | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4381 | Allowlisting failure for TIDL induced transpose when optimizing consecutive transposes in an ONNX network | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4380 | TIDL Import gives "coeff cannot be found(or not match) in coef file, Random bias will be generated! Only for evaluation usage! Results are all random!" warning when ONNX Add/Mul operator has a constant input of size 1 in higher dimensions ([1], [1,1], .) | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4379 | TIDL Import fails with "All the Tensor Dimensions has to be greater then Zero" when ONNX network has split with negative axis | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4261 | Gather layer hangs on EVM when run in 16-bit | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4042 | Compilation results in following warning and a potential segmentation fault if additional layer is added at the end of network by TIDL during compilation phase: "Warning : Couldn't find corresponding ioBuf tensor for onnx tensor with matching name" | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4029 | ONNX QDQ model fails with "Import Error: Model with all ranges not supplied" message when it has LeakyRelu operator | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4028 | Gather indices not parsed correctly during calibration when its datatype is INT32 | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4012 | Consecutive transpose operators do not fuse into a single transpose operator | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4011 | Network having Reshape/Squeeze layers with (A) Multiple consumer layers and (B) No change in shape fails during compilation with error message as "missing inputs in the network and cannot be topologically sorted" | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4389 | Asymmetric quantization results in lower accuracy compared to symmetric quantization for networks with LeakyReLU | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4377 | Calibration for models which are not properly regularized, results in degraded accuracy | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4274 | 16-bit Elementwise Mul (Unsigned x Unsigned) results in overflow in the output | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4352 | Transpose operator with any configuration other than (0,1,2,3) -> (0,2,3,1) or vice versa may result into functional mismatch on target | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4030 | Model compilation may hang in networks containing 2x2 stride 2 depthwise separable convolution | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4405 | Networks with height-wise/width-wise concatenate layers may result in segmentation fault during compilation | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4402 | Setting option "advanced_options:high_resolution_optimization" = 1 may result in functionally incorrect output on target for some layers leading up to resize layer in the network | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4401 | Layer level debug traces for inference are incorrect for host emulation mode on setting option "advanced_options:high_resolution_optimization" = 1 | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4399 | Depth-wise convolution layer followed by resize layer (not necessarily immediate consumer) may result in functional issue on target | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4376 | 2x2 stride 2 spatial max pooling layer with odd input dimensions functionally incorrect for useCeil = 0 attribute on target | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4044 | Setting option "advanced_options:high_resolution_optimization" = 1 can result in segmentation fault in case of Reshape/Slice layer being present in network | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4043 | Setting option "advanced_options:high_resolution_optimization" = 1 may result in functionally incorrect output for networks with multiple branches | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4041 | High resolution optimization gets disabled for entire network despite setting option "advanced_options:high_resolution_optimization" = 1 in case Pad Layer is present in network | All except AM62 |
TIDL-3947 | Segmentation fault on setting option "advanced_options:high_resolution_optimization" = 1 in cases where layer id and execution id of layer(the 2 numbers depicted for layer in visualization svg file) are not same | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4416 | "Increased network binary size on 9.2 SDK may cause model inference to fail on EVM with following error: ""Failed to allocate memory record 13 @ space 17""" | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4410 | TIDL Eltwise layer (Add/Mul in ONNX) gives incorrect results during host emulation inference run when using OPENACC GPU tools | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4394 | "16-bit transpose ONNX operator with permute (0, 1, 3 , 2) may fail with following error during TIDLRT_create: ""Init: Error: DMA transfer needs more than 5 channels""" | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4393 | "16-bit transpose ONNX operator with permute changing the last dimension (0,1,2,3 with 3 changing it's place in target permute) may give ""Workload not created for layer = N, TIDL_DataConvertLayer"" during TIDL Import" | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4392 | TFLITE TransposeConv operator is incorrectly getting denied and being delegated to ARM in OSRT | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4358 | Data convert layer with NHWC to NCHW format with WxCxelementSize > 320Kb results in functional mismatch on target | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4273 | Documentation issues in edgeai-tidl-tools | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4027 | "numOutputChannelsPerGroup > (256*K)/numParamsBit results into wrong functionality on Target, where k = 1 (AM62A, J722S) and k=2 for rest all devices" | All except AM62 |
TIDL-4003 | Matmul in 16 bit mode may functionally fail on target if one of the input's plane Size is larger than 256KB | All except AM62 |
TIDL-3925 | "QDQ model throws ""Could not find const or initializer of layer"" if the weights are kept in floating point in the model" | All except AM62 |
TIDL-3881 | Segmentation fault during inference in a model with resize layers due to incorrect buffer reuse | All except AM62 |
TIDL-3879 | "Matmul layer with inner most plane dimension ( M x K ) and ( K x N) may result in below error during compilation even when 2* 64 x K < 448 KB ""Dataflow for tensor N with high volume is not supported"" when K is large" | All except AM62 |
TIDL-3876 | Incorrect output dimensions provided by TIDL-RT to ONNX-RT in a subgraph with multiple outputs | All except AM62 |
TIDL-3875 | Networks resulting in situation of subgraphs on C7x with more than 1 inputs from previous sub graph on cortex-A CPU have issue | All except AM62 |
TIDL-3863 | "Model compilation may fail for large networks with 7x7 depth wise separable layers with error message ""�Memory limit exceeded for Workload Creation�" | All except AM62 |
TIDL-3804 | Data convert layer with NCHW->NHWC and C x W x outputElementSize > 256k results into mismatch on EVM | All except AM62 |
Known Issues
ID | Description | Affected Platforms | Occurrence | Workaround in this release |
TIDL-2946 | Fully grouped convolution with padding greater than 32 (8-bit inference) or padding greater than 16 (16-bit inference) results in incorrect outputs | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-2947 | Convolution with pad greater than the input width results in incorrect outputs | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-2990 | PReLU layer does not correctly parse the slope parameter and produces incorrect outputs | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3351 | Model hangs during compilation when it has intermediate tensor as output | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3572 | Incorrect data type for input buffer when the "add_data_convert_ops": 0 (ARM dataconversion) which results in functional mismatch | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3622 | Quantization prototxt does not correctly fill information for tflite const layers | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3704 | Intermediate subgraphs whose outputs are not 4D result in incorrect outputs | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3780 | Prototext based scale input may result in slight degradation in quantized output | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3830 | OSRT: Incorrect data type selection during float calibration pass when addDataConvert is disabled for ONNX networks | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3845 | Running model compilation and inference back to back in the same python script results in a segfault | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3876 | Incorrect output dimensions provided by TIDL EP to ONNX-RT in a subgraph with multiple outputs | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3880 | TIDL GPU tools do not support NVIDIA GPUs with compute capability 8.9 | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3883 | Graph formation (ARM) failing for unsupported maxpool w/ asym stride due to extra dimensions | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3886 | Maxpool 2x2 with stride 1x1 is considered supported but is incorrectly denied from being offloaded to C7x | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3895 | 2x2s2 Max Pooling with ceil_mode=0 and odd input dimensions results in incorrect outputs | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3897 | Operators with attributes fed as runtime variable results in undefined behavior during compilation stage | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3898 | Pow, Div (With 2 variable inputs) , Sqrt & Erf may get accidentally offloaded to C7x and result in incorrect outputs | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3899 | Unsupported cast operators might get incorrectly offloaded and result in accuracy degradation | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3900 | ONNX GEMM operator followed by a Transpose layer can result in compilation failure with message "topological sort error" | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3903 | Global average pooling produces incorrect quantized output when a large plane (H*W > 1024) is being reduced | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3905 | TFLite Prequantized models with "add_dataconvert_ops": 3 fails with error "Unable to split bias" | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3910 | MatMul operator with signed inputs and unsigned output results in an MMALIB init error | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3917 | Transpose layer with more than 4 dimensions and with the last dimension not changing gets incorrectly denied from offloading to C7x/MMA with message: "Unsupported (TIDL check) TIDL layer type --- Transpose" | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3925 | QDQ model throws "Could not find const or initializer of layer" if the weights are kept in floating point in the model | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3928 | Sub operator with variable input get's incorrectly offloaded to C7x and results in an init failure during inference | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3930 | Limited set of operators support more than 4 dimensions (Reshape, Transpose, Batchnorm, Split/Slice, Softmax, MatMul & Eltwise) - other operators might accidentally get offloaded to C7x and produce incorrect results | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3935 | Subgraphs terminating with Slice, Squeeze or Reshape result in incorrect graph formation in ONNXRuntime | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3936 | Allocation failure during graph creation in ONNXRUNTIME when ConstantOfShape with unknown dimensions are present | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3937 | Transpose (>4D) with batch dimension not being explicit in ONNXRT does not correctly set output shapes | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3938 | Offloaded ReduceSum layer does not get correct input shape | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3939 | Dynamic Quantize/Dequantize results in ONNXRUNTIME exception with offloaded subgraphs | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-3941 | Subgraphs with tensors whose output dimensions greater than or equal to 5 result in incorrect outputs | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-4016 | Fully unsupported onnx model with TIDL Compilation Execution provider results in a segmentation fault | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-4017 | Single operator ONNX subgraph with both inputs and outputs coming from ONNX-RT has incorrect shape information | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-4018 | Resize with attributes fed as variable input results in undefined output dimensions | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-4019 | Incorrect handling of operators expanded by ONNX (Due to implementation not existing in ONNX) | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-4024 | QDQ models with self-attention blocks error out during model compilation with "RUNTIME_EXCEPTION : Non-zero status code returned while running TIDL_0 node. Name:'TIDLExecutionProvider_TIDL_0_0' Status Message: CHECK failed: (index) < (current_size_)") | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-4031 | Network having layers with multiple inputs where one or more inputs repeat results into "segmentation fault" during host emulation | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-4038 | Reduce Min & Max operators do not correctly parse when the optional input for "axes" is not specified | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-4039 | Flatten layer with non-zero axis creates incorrect dimensions in TIDL graph | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-4052 | ONNX QDQ model compilation fails with error "Unable to merge Dequantize upwards" and produces a model with functional issues | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-4054 | ONNX QDQ models with more than one subgraph result in a segmentation fault and error "Missing dequantize layer inputs" | All except AM62 | Rare | None |
TIDL-4055 | Models with batched input and tensors with less than 4 dimensions result in models with incorrect shape information and produce functionally incorrect outputModels with batched input and tensors with less than 4 dimensions result in models with incorrect shape information and produce functionally incorrect output | All except AM62 | Rare | None |