(please note that this demo was made in electron forge, however viewportGL.js should still work in a browser if it supports WebGL, but the marching cubes alghorithem will not poroperly work, becouse it requires the perlin noise, but i could make a workaround for it (maybe a project for the future))
The constructor takes in a few values like height and width of the canvas the refresh rate (does nothing for now), the fov and canvasID the ID of the canvas.
- projectionMatrix Returns the projection matrix,
- setTriangles Takes in the array of coordinates and colors (like this: [x1, y1, z1, r, g, b, x2, y2, z2, r, g, b, x3, y3, z3, r, g, b]. Note that the rgb values go from 0.0 to 1.0), that in turn construct a triangle, the coordinates of which are bound to a buffer.
- vertex3DCalc Takes in an array of vertecies that you can see in getVal.js, and an x, y and z rotation aswell as a zoom parameter, with those values it calculates the object in 3D space and sets the so they can be directly drawn, this function also illuminates the cube.
- draw Takes in an array of numbers that define the rgba values of the background (array should look like this: [r, g, b, a], ranging from 0 to 1), this functions draw the set triangles from the prior function to the screen.
- perlin-noise-3d you can find it here, or just download the depneencies.
The marching cubes alghorithm takes a number of points and the accoring to your surface level draws a terrain based on a triangulation table (this is a poor explenation, but it's the best i can do since im a amature)
- constructor Takes in a width, height, length, options object containing density: isolevel (from 1-0), xmod: x-offset, ymod: y-offset, zmod: z-offset, sampleRate: interval at what it should sample it (higher values from noise to be less smooth and lover for it to be more smooth should be a vlaue between 1-0), noise: the noise function. Then it takes in colors that is an array filled with four arrays of 3 sets of values from 0-1, and lastly a bool that determens weather it should interpolate the surface or not (that means if it sohould smooth it or keep it blocky)
new CubeTriCoords(w, h, l, {
density: rangeDens,
xmod: rangex/(Math.pow(10, Math.abs(Math.log10(noiseSpace)+1))),
ymod: rangey/(Math.pow(10, Math.abs(Math.log10(noiseSpace)+1))),
zmod: rangez/(Math.pow(10, Math.abs(Math.log10(noiseSpace)+1))),
sampleRate: noiseSpace,
noise: noise
}, colors, true); - getTriArrs Takes in x, y, z, return an array of triangles.