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Example of how to integrate Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication with FastAPI


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Quickstart: Protect FastAPI web API with the Microsoft identity platform

In this quickstart, you download a Python FastAPI web API code sample, and review the way it restricts resource access to authorized accounts only. The sample supports authorization of personal Microsoft accounts and accounts in any Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) organization.


Step 1: Clone or download the sample

Clone the sample from your shell or command line:

git clone

Step 2: Register the web API Azure AD Applications

Register your web API in App Registrations in the Azure portal.

  1. Sign in to the Azure Portal
  2. If you have access to multiple tenants, use the Directory + subscription filter in the top menu to select the tenant in which you want to register an application.
  3. Find and select Azure Active Directory.
  4. Under Manage, select App registrations > New registration.
  5. Enter a Name for your application, for example TODO-API. Users of your app might see this name and you can change it later.
  6. For Supported account types, select Accounts in any organizational directory.
  7. Select Register to create the application.
  8. On the Overview page, look for the Application (client) ID value, and then record it for later use. You'll need it to configure the API (that is, API_CLIENT_ID in the .env file).
  9. Under Manage, select Expose an API > Add a scope. Accept the proposed Application ID URI (api://{clientId}) by selecting Save and continue, and then enter the following information:
    • For Scope name, enter access_as_user
    • For Who can consent, ensure that the Admins and users option is selected.
    • In the Admin consent display name box, enter Access TODO API as a user.
    • In the Admin consent description box, enter Access TODO API as a user.
    • In the User consent display name box, enter Access TODO API as a user.
    • In the User consent description box, enter Access TODO API as a user.
    • For State, keep Enabled.
  10. Select Add scope.

Add roles to the API App registration

  1. Under Manage, select App Roles and Create app role
    • For Display name, enter Admin
    • For Allowed member types, select Users/Groups
    • For Value, enter Admin
    • For Description, enter Administrator
    • Ensure that the checkbox for Do you want to enable this app role? is checked
  2. Repeat the same steps to create a User app role

Add a secret to the API App registration

  1. Under Manage, select Certificates & secrets and New client secret
    • For Description, enter API Client Secret
    • For Expires, leave it at 6 months
  2. Select Add
  3. On the Certificates & Secrets page, save the secret Value. You'll need it to configure the API (that is API_CLIENT_SECRET in the .env file.).

NOTE: You will not be able to access this value later so it is important that you save it. If you missed saving it, you can remove it and create a new secret.

Create an App registration for Swagger

  1. Back at App registrations, select New registration
    • For Name, enter TODO-API-SWAGGER
    • For Supported account types, select Accounts in any organizational directory.
    • For Redirect URI, select Single-page application (SPA) and enter http://localhost:8000/oauth2-redirect
  2. Select Register to create the application.
  3. On the Overview page, look for the Application (client) ID value, and then record it for later use. You'll need it to configure the API (that is, SWAGGER_UI_CLIENT_ID in the .env file).

Step 3: Assign users to roles

  1. In Azure Portal, find and select Azure Active Directory
  2. Under Manage, select Enterprise applications, and select the TODO-API application
  3. Select Assign users and groups and then Add user/group
  4. Under Users, select your own user, and select Select to make your choice.
  5. Under Select a role, select either Admin or User and select Select to make your choice. Depending on which you choose, you will have access to different API endpoints
  6. Select Assign to finish assigning the role to the user.

Step 4: Configure the API

Configure environment variables

  1. Copy the .env.sample file and rename to .env
  2. Set the API_CLIENT_ID, API_CLIENT_SECRET and SWAGGER_UI_CLIENT_ID to the values you gathered above
  3. Set the AAD_TENANT_ID to your Azure Tenant ID

Install required libraries

  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you cloned the repository

  2. Create a new virtual environment to install your python libraries

    python -m venv .venv
  3. Activate your virtual environment

    .\.venv\Scripts\activate    # Windows
    source .venv/Scripts/activate   # Linux
  4. Upgrade pip to the latest version

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
  5. Install the required libraries pip install -r requirements.txt

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Open Visual Studio Code and set the interpreter

  1. In the terminal window, in the project directory, launch visual studio code

    code .
  2. Visual Studio Code may recognize that there is a virtual environment and ask you if you want to activate it. If this does not happen, use View->Command Palette->Python:Select Interpreter and select the .venv:venv interpreter (in rare cases you may need to manually select the .\.venv\Scripts\python.exe if Visual Studio Code does not recommend it).

  3. Close down any open terminals and start a new one from Terminal->New Terminal. This ensures that any commands you run will be using the new interpreter.

Step 5: Run the API locally

Run the API from Visual Studio Code

  1. Open the file app/
  2. Press F5 to run under a debugger (or CTRL+F5 to run without a debugger)
  3. Under Debug Configuration select Python File

This will serve the api locally on your machine.

NOTE: The output suggests for you to browse to http://localhost:8000 - if you browse there you will see {"detail": "Not Found"}, this is normal as we don't have a default endpoint for our API.

  1. Browse to http://localhost:8000/health to reach the health endpoint. If all is working correctly, you should be greeted with "OK"
  2. Browse to http://localhost:8000/docs to see the Swagger UI and the available endpoints.
  3. Try an endpoint - for example [GET]/todoitems->Try it out->Execute. This should result in a 401:Unauthorized

Log in to use the API

  1. Log in using the Authorize button at the top right of the page.
    • client_id: should be pre-filled, leave it as is
    • client_secret: should be empty, leave it as is
    • scopes: select the Access API as user scope
    • Select Authorize to log in
  2. Follow the prompts to log in with your account.
  3. In the Permissions requested dialog box, check the box to Consent on behalf of your organization and select Accept - you will only need to consent once for the API.
  4. In the Available authorizations dialog box, select Close

Access the [POST]/todoitems

  1. Select the [POST]/todoitems endpoint
  2. Select Try it out. You can change the request body, and give it another name than "Walk the dog" if you want
  3. Select Execute
  4. Verify that you receive a 201 result, and the resulting json for the created item.

How the sample works


You can find the code for the available routes in /app/api/routes/

Endpoint Request Method Description Authentication Auth method
/health GET Get health status No authentication
/todoitems GET Get my todo items User Depends(get_user)
/todoitems POST Create todo item User Depends(get_user)
/todoitems DELETE Delete all todo items Admin Depends(get_admin_user)
/todoitems/{id} GET Get todo item User (owner of item or admin) Depends(get_todo_item_by_id_from_path)
/todoitems/{id} DELETE Delete todo item User (owner of item or admin) Depends(get_todo_item_by_id_from_path)

Auth code and dependencies

FastAPI has a powerful Dependency Injection system, that allows us to enforce security, authentication, role requirements etc.

In our case, we have created a simple dependency function in /app/api/dependencies/ to ensure that the user is logged in for the GET /todoitems endpoint for example.

def get_user(user: User = Depends(authorize)) -> User:
    return user

This, in turn, depends on authorize, defined in app/services/ authorize is an instance of the AzureADAuthorization, that when called (through the __call__ method) validates and decodes the authentication token against the Azure AD App and required scopes, and further generates a User instance based on the contents of the token.

If the token is invalid, or can't be processed, the AzureADAuthorization class returns a 401 UNAUTHORIZED HTTP status.

Because the AzureADAuthorization class derives from OAuth2AuthorizationCodeBearer, FastAPI (and Swagger) understands that the endpoint requires authentication, and displays the padlock in the Swagger UI.

Protecting endpoints

There are multiple ways to protect the endpoints, and the various endpoints implemented in this sample, show some of these varieties.

Require user to be authenticated

By passing in user = Depends(get_user) as a parameter to our endpoint function, we require the user to be authenticated and also get the user info, so that we can filter the todo items that belong to the user.

@router.get('/todoitems', status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK, name="Get My Todos [Admin or Owner of todo]")
async def get_my_todos(user: User = Depends(get_user)) -> TodoItemsInList:
    items: List[TodoItem] = todo_repository.get_items_for_user(user)
    return TodoItemsInList(items=items)

Require the user to have the admin role

We can create more specialized dependency functions, that both validates that the user is authenticated, and validates that the user has the correct role.

def get_admin_user(user: User = Depends(authorize)) -> User:
    if 'Admin' in user.roles:
        return user
    raise ForbiddenAccess('Admin privileges required')

We can then use the get_admin_user dependency function exactly as the get_user function.

The example below shows this usage with a slight modification. If you don't need to use the returned user for further processing, you can simply add the dependency to the router decorator.

@router.delete('/todoitems', status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(get_admin_user)], name="Delete all Todos [Admin]")
async def delete_all_todo_items() -> None:
Create a dependency that retrieves a todo item if the user can access it

We can also create more intricate dependencies, that don't only validate authorization, but also validate access to items.

def get_todo_item_by_id_from_path(id: int = Path(...), user: User = Depends(get_user)):
        todo: TodoItem = todo_repository.get_item(id)
    except EntityNotFound:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail='Item does not exist')

    if 'Admin' in user.roles or todo.owner_id ==
        return todo
    raise HTTPException(status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, detail='User is not allowed to access the item')

Because get_user indirectly depends on OAuth2AuthorizationCodeBearer, and get_todo_item_by_id_from_path depends on get_user, FastAPI and the Swagger UI will still understand that authorization is required.

@router.get('/todoitems/{id}', status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK, name="Get Todo by Id [Admin or Owner of todo]")
async def get_todo_by_id(id: int, todo: TodoItem = Depends(get_todo_item_by_id_from_path)) -> TodoItemInResponse:
    return TodoItemInResponse(item=todo)


Example of how to integrate Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication with FastAPI








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