Table of Contents
Mighty-Assignment is a fullstack CRUD application , similar to an administrative platform for eccomerce sellers , this application allows users to create a product, update an existing product and lastly delete a product. With the search bar functionality , user's can also search for specific prouducts they need
- Nodejs
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB (Atlas cloud)
- Mongoose
- Cloudinary
- Clone the repo
git clone](
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Start the application
npm run start
Here let's take a tour around the application , looking at the more important functionalities and API's this application has to offer.
- Login
- Login API to validate user
- Products API
- Products API consisit of Create , Update, Delete and FetchAll products API. Using Mongoose to communicate with the MongoDB database.
- Authorization
- LoginWithToken API for authorization , checking if user is logged in to be on this page.
Your Name: Teren Velan
Your Email:
This is half of the overall project , this being the server side repository. Do checkout the server side repository over at
Thank you for taking the time to look at my application. Please do drop me a message to give your feedbacks. Appreciate it.