##Redis.Silverlight client is a library for subscribing to Redis PUB/SUB channels listening on a port from range 4502-4534 due to Silverlight network access restrictions.
##SilverlightPolicyServer is a component for delivering ClientAccessPolicy file to Silverlight clients on port 943.
using (var connection = new SocketConnection("", 4525, Scheduler.Immediate))
var publisher = connection.AsPublisher();
await publisher.PublishMessage("alert1", textBoxMessage.Text);
await publisher.PublishMessage("alert2", textBoxMessage.Text);
using (var connection = new SocketConnection("", 4525, Scheduler.Immediate))
var cacheClient = connection.AsCacheClient();
await cacheClient.SetValue("key1", "value1");
await cacheClient.SetValue("key2", "value2");
var value1 = await cacheClient.GetValue("key1");
var value2 = await cacheClient.GetValue("key2");
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dictionary.Add("hash1", "value1");
dictionary.Add("hash2", "value2");
await cacheClient.SetValues(dictionary);
var values = await cacheClient.GetValues(dictionary.Keys);
var connection = new SocketConnection("", 4525, Scheduler.Immediate))
var subscriber = connection.AsSubscriber();
var channelsSubscription = await subscriber.Subscribe("alert1", "alert2");
channelsSubscription.Subscribe(message =>
ex =>
var channelsPatternSubscription = await subscriber.PSubscribe("alert*");
channelsPatternSubscription.Subscribe(message =>
ex =>