A Gradle plug-in that provides convenience methods for adding JxBrowser dependencies into a project.
import com.teamdev.jxbrowser.gradle.Repository
plugins {
id("com.teamdev.jxbrowser") version "2.0.0"
jxbrowser {
// The JxBrowser version (required).
// Obtain the latest release version number at https://teamdev.com/jxbrowser/.
version = "8.4.0"
// If you're using Gradle 8.1.1 or older, use the following syntax:
// version.set("8.4.0")
// The location of JxBrowser repository to use (optional).
// It's either North America or Europe.
// If not specified, the location is set to North America.
repository = Repository.EUROPE
// repository = Repository.NORTH_AMERICA
// Alternatively, it may point to a custom repo via its URL, as follows:
// repository = "https://my.custom.repository"
dependencies {
// Adds a dependency to the platform-specific Chromium binaries.
implementation(jxbrowser.mac) // Mac Intel
implementation(jxbrowser.macArm) // Mac Apple silicon
implementation(jxbrowser.win32) // Windows 32-bit
implementation(jxbrowser.win64) // Windows 64-bit
implementation(jxbrowser.winArm) // Windows 64-bit ARM
implementation(jxbrowser.linux64) // Linux 64-bit
implementation(jxbrowser.linuxArm) // Linux 64-bit ARM
// Detects the current platform and adds the corresponding Chromium binaries.
// Adds dependencies to the UI toolkit integrations.
// Adds dependency to the JxBrowser Kotlin DSL.
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