FRC Team 1157 robot code
Instructions for setting up your local dev environment:
- Follow Java Eclipse setup instructions here:
- In eclipse, select Window>Show View> Other > Git > Git Repositories
- Select “Clone a Git Repository”
- In the URI field, fill in our repo url:
- Click Next, Next again
- Make a note of the Directory that the repo is copied to. By default it’s /Users/yourname/git/FunTime. I recommend leaving it as is. Now click finish.
- Now close Eclipse, reopen and set your workspace to the directory in step 6(Users/yourname/git/FunTime)
- Now select File>New>Project…>WPILib Robot Java Development > Robot Java Project
- For project name, put in HappyLochNess. This is VERY IMPORTANT not to change the name, and capitalization matters, so just copy/paste this: HappyLochNess
- Select “command-Based Robot” and click Finish.
- Now you’re ready to start programming!!!