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Our 2025 robot code using wpilib for our MATE ROV bot running on a roborio

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2025 Robosharks Robot Code


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd 2025_Ranger_rio/
  2. Install Dependencies:

    • Ensure you have the latest version of WPILib installed, it comes with Elastic Dashboard
    • If running the real robot install NI game tools (message me for the licensing)
  3. Deploy Code (Real robot only):

    • Connect your robot to your development machine.
    • Use your IDE (VSCode with WPILib plugin is what I use and you should too) to build and deploy the code to the robot controller.
    • OR while in the directory run ./gradlew deploy (linux/macos) gradlew.bat deploy (windows)
  4. Run Simulation (Optional):

    • Open the VSCode command palette (CTRL, Shift, P), type >WPILIB: Simulate Robot Code, and hit enter.
    • Drag your joystick onto joystick 0
    • Put the robot into teleop
    • Drive!

Controller Mapping

  • Left Stick (Y-axis): Forward/Backward movement.
  • Left Stick (X-axis): Strafe Left/Right movement.
  • Right Stick (Y-axis): Elevation control (up/down).
  • Right Stick (X-axis): Yaw control (rotation around Z-axis).
  • Right Bumper: Increase Pitch (tilt up).
  • Left Bumper: Decrease Pitch (tilt down).
  • Left Trigger: Roll left (rotation around X-axis).
  • Right Trigger: Roll right (rotation around X-axis).
  • A Button: Open Newton Gripper.
  • B Button: Close Newton Gripper.
  • X Button: Calibrate Gyro.
  • Y Button: Reset Gyro.

Thruster Assignments

PWM Port Component Description
0 m_leftFront45 Left front 45-degree thruster
1 m_leftRear45 Left rear 45-degree thruster
2 m_rightFront45 Right front 45-degree thruster
3 m_rightRear45 Right rear 45-degree thruster
4 m_leftFrontForward Left front vertical thruster
5 m_leftRearForward Left rear vertical thruster
6 m_rightFrontForward Right front vertical thruster
7 m_rightRearForward Right rear vertical thruster
9 m_newtonGripper Newton gripper motor


  1. Robot is not responding to controller inputs:

    • Ensure the controller is properly connected and dragged to the right port in the Driverstation
    • Make sure the robot is in teleop
  2. Gyro issues:

    • Recalibrate the gyro using the X button.
    • Reset the gyro using the Y button.
    • make sure the bot is stationary while calibrating
  3. Pose data not showing correctly in AdvantageScope:

    • Drag the robot pose from the field2d, not the pose3d into the field in the bottom
    • right click on it in the bottom field and make sure rotation is in degrees, not radians

Degrees of Freedom Implementation

  1. Forward/Backward (Translation on X-axis):

    • Controlled by adjusting the power of the 45-degree thrusters (m_leftFront45, m_rightFront45, m_leftRear45, m_rightRear45) in unison. Positive values move the robot forward, while negative values move it backward.
  2. Strafe Left/Right (Translation on Y-axis):

    • Achieved by counter-balancing the 45-degree thrusters to generate lateral movement. For example, increasing the left-side thrusters' power while decreasing the right-side thrusters enables strafing.
  3. Up/Down (Translation on Z-axis):

    • Managed by the vertical thrusters (m_leftFrontForward, m_rightFrontForward, m_leftRearForward, m_rightRearForward). Increasing thrust moves the robot up, while decreasing thrust moves it down.
  4. Yaw (Rotation about Z-axis):

    • Controlled by applying opposite power to diagonal pairs of 45-degree thrusters (e.g., m_leftFront45 and m_rightRear45 vs. m_rightFront45 and m_leftRear45) to rotate left or right.
  5. Pitch (Rotation about X-axis):

    • Adjusted using the vertical thrusters at the front (m_leftFrontForward, m_rightFrontForward) and rear (m_leftRearForward, m_rightRearForward). Increasing front thrust while decreasing rear thrust tilts the robot forward, and vice versa.
  6. Roll (Rotation about Y-axis):

    • Achieved by manipulating the left and right vertical thrusters. For example, increasing power on the left-side vertical thrusters and decreasing it on the right-side ones causes the robot to roll clockwise.


To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository and create a new branch for your feature or bugfix, name the fork <your name>_2025_Ranger_rio ie. ada_2025_Ranger_rio
  2. Ensure your code follows the existing style (just run it through a java beautifier) and run it in sim to make sure it doesnt crash.
  3. Write clear and concise commit messages.
  4. Submit a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.
  5. I'll merge it into the main branch if everything is okay and it'll become a part of our robot!

Feel free to open issues or just talk to me (ada) for questions. Thank you :3


Our 2025 robot code using wpilib for our MATE ROV bot running on a roborio






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