Course Code: CSE 1110
The Introduction to Computer Systems course provides a fundamental understanding of how computer systems operate, introducing key concepts in both hardware and software. Students gain insights into the history of computation, computer architecture, essential programming concepts, and the basics of information technology.
- alphabets using Conditional operator.c
- calculate electricity bill.c
- calculate total average and percentage of five subjects.c
- convert centimeter to meter and kilometer.c
- leap year using.c
- print day of week name using switch case.c
- 01_basic_12.c
- alculator using switch case and functions.c
- asd.c
- check even or odd number using switch.c
- count number of digits in a number.c
- find first and last digit of a number.c
- positive negative or zero using switch.c
- print alphabets from a to z.c
- srabon.c
- Assignment
- LCM of two numbers.c
- all factors of a number.c
- check whether a number is palindrome or not.c
- count frequency of digits in an integer.c
- find HCF (GCD) of two numbers.c
- find product of digits of a number.c
- find reverse of a number.c
- find sum of digits of a number.c
- print number in words.c
- swap first and last digit of a number.1.c
- swap first and last digit of a number.c
- Armstrong numbers between 1 to n.c
- LCM of two numbers.c
- A Number can be Express as Sum of Two Prime Numbers.c
- armstrong number or not.c
- find prime factors of a number.c
- print all prime numbers between 1 to n.c
- sum of prime numbers between 1 to n.c
- whether a number is perfect number or not.c
- a number is Strong number or not.c
- convert Binary to Decimal number system.c
- convert Binary to Octal number system.c
- fibonacci series upto n terms.c
- fibonacci series upto n terms.o
- find all perfect numbers between 1 to n.c
- find ones complement of a binary number.c
- find ones complement of a binary number.o
- CONN.c
- Chef and Chapters.c
- Chef on Vacation.c
- Construct N.c
- Count the Holidays.c
- Enough Space.c
- Gold Mining.c
- Lunchtime.c
- Odds and Evens.c
- Olympics Ranking.c
- Richie Rich.c
- Second Max of Three Numbers.c
- Six Friends.c
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Happy Learning! 🚀