To do list manager is web application that helps in remainding your tasks, alerts your overdues, and gives you a list of daily and weekly tasks to be done. This app is mainly intended to run with python version > python 3.6 and ubuntu version > ubuntu 18. Please ensure that you have these criteria fulfilled to run the web app.
- Run the commands on the terminal to install git to clone the repository
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
Clone the repository using the command
git clone
Run this command to install all the modules required (you can run this in virtul env if you want, refer -
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please run the following commands on the terminal to create database for the web app
sudo apt update
sudo apt install sqlite3
- to install sqlite3sqlite3 DATABASE.db
- to create database
- Please run the following commands on the terminal after cloning the repository to setup the web app
export FLASK_ENV=development
export FLASK_APP=manager
- And after setting the flask app run these commands on the terminal to set up the database and to run the application
flask initdb
- to setup the database for the web applicationflask run
- to run the web application
Finally open local server - in your browser (preferably-google chrome) to see the web app.