from deeplabv3 (, and some swin-transformers (、, I try these swin-transformers as backbone on deeplabv3, to see image segmentation and compare them.
- deeplabv3 and deeplabv3plus for berniwal swin-transformer;
- deeplabv3 for microsoft swin-transformer;
- deeplabv3plus for microsoft swin-transformer;
- modify WindowAttention of berniwal swin-transformer by my thinking.
- explanation by Issues 1
- add dataset named 'CameraBase' for test
- add hrnet and exception, follow VainF
- add resnet18
- add regnet (y_400mf, y_8gf, y_32gf), swin-transformer into (swin_t, swin_s, swin_b, swin_l), use resnet and mobilenet from pytorch
- add mobilenet_v3(small, large)
- add vggnet(vgg11_bn, vgg16_bn, vgg19_bn)
- add shufflenetv2(x0_5, x1_0)
- result(resnet50) for voc
- add ghostnetv2(1_0, 1_3, 1_6)
- add dataset named 'Battery' for test
- add mobilenet_v2_bubbliiiing, by means of ""
- modify mobilenet_v3 for test, by means of bubbliiiing