A client-line interface that automatically obfuscates and deobfuscates filenames located anywhere on your computer
🚧 Work In Progress
To display this help message simply use the -h/--help argument as shown: python main.py -h
usage: FileObfuscator [-h] [-d [DEEP]] [-s SAVE] [-m {rot13,hex,dec}] [-de] [-ie IGNORE_EXTENSIONS [IGNORE_EXTENSIONS ...]] [-iecs] [-ip IGNORE_PATHS [IGNORE_PATHS ...]] [-ipcs] path
Obfuscates the name of a file or files in a specific folder
positional arguments:
path The filename or folder to perform obfuscation on
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d [DEEP], --deep [DEEP]
Look for files within folders, optionally specify max depth (default is infinite)
-s SAVE, --save SAVE Save old to new name mappings at specified location. Valid types: CSV, JSON
-m {rot13,hex,dec}, --method {rot13,hex,dec}
Define the obfuscation method
-de, --deobfuscate Undoes the obfuscation
Ignores all files with the provided list of extensions
-iecs, --ignore_extensions_case_sensitive
Specifies that the the list of ignored extensions should be considered as case sensitive
Ignores all files/folders if it makes the relative path
-ipcs, --ignore_paths_case_sensitive
Specifies that the the list of ignored files/folders should be considered as case sensitive
The following is an example of how to decimal encode all file names inside the folder testFolder
recursively, with no depth limit.
Followed by how to decode the same files under the same method
# encode
python3.10 main.py testFolder -d -m dec
# decode
python3.10 main.py testFolder -d -m dec -de
- Add the ability to obfuscate/deobfuscate folder names as well
- Add the option to do multilayered obfuscation combining a series of methods
- Implement more obfuscation techniques and methods for a user to define their own