The purpose of this app is to learn a new language! (C#) And learn about why C# may be better or worse than other languages. Additionally, I will use it to acquire some more programming standards and techniques.
Anime-Desktop-App is first and foremost a wrapper client for It will allow the user to do everything a user can do on the web version, and more, but through a desktop cross-platform experience (because we all know desktop is superior).
Additionally, there will be support for directly streaming anime through the app, skipping filler episodes, and skipping the intro/outro.
Below is a collection of some of the pages the app offers
- Add Support for video streaming
- Include support for poppping out the streamer into its own window
- Add support for skipping intro using user defined buttons or public dbs
- Add support for viewing profiles
- Add a logged in user profile page
- Add support for reading manga
- Add Notification system for when new anime comes out
This repository can be divided into 3 major parts, the GUI, the web scrapper, and the C# MyAnimeList Wrapper. Currently, contributions were made solely by me the repo owner and nice fellows on stackoverflow and github issues.
All are welcoming to contribute how much or how little you can.
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branh with a short but informative title
- Make which ever change you think would be a nice addition
- Make a pull request
- Avalonia - framework this application was designed in
- MyAnimeList - used to build the wrapper which powers the backend of this app (I am not affiliated with MyAnimeList)
- - used for subbed and dubbed time table information
- LibVLCSharp - powers the video player