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TYPO3 Surfcamp Team 6 (Landing Page)

This Git repository is intended for use by our dedicated teams at the TYPO3 Surfcamp. The configuration happens via .env thanks to the underlying package vlucas/phpdotenv.



cp .env.dist .env
ddev start
ddev composer install


Downloading database and files

# HEADS UP: All files in the local `public/fileadmin/` will be overridden, that means:
# all files that are not present in `data/files/public/fileadmin/` will be deleted from fileadmin
ddev pull assets

Update local database and files

# HEADS UP: All files in the local `data/files/public/fileadmin/` will be overridden, that means:
# all files that are not present in `public/fileadmin/` will be deleted from fileadmin
ddev push assets
ddev get torenware/ddev-viteserve
ddev restart
ddev vite-serve start

Npm Scripts / Vite.js

The frontend toolchain uses NPM and Vite.js with a few loaders to ...

  • Compile scss to css (assets/Scss)
  • Bundle javascript (assets)

Watch for changes in js/scss files:

ddev npm run watch

Build JS, CSS for development use (not compressed/optimized):

ddev npm run build:development

Build JS, CSS for production use:

ddev npm run build:production

How to add custom fonts to the project

Choose a font

Search within for a font of your choice. Select the "Install" button on the very right top.

Install the font

Install the font via npm npm install @fontsource-variable/roboto-mono which adds the font into node_modules/@fontsource/roboto-mono in this example.

Now, also create a new file within assets/fonts/roboto-mono.js (based on the name of the font you've chosen), and add imports to the font variants from the node_modules - see the existing fonts for examples.

Allow to choose the font in the UI

Edit local_packages/success/Configuration/Sets/_LandingPage/settings.defintion.yaml and add the font to the fonts section (ui.layout.font.heading and ui.layout.font.text). Choose to install

Add a mapping to the font in the templates

You need to map the font name of the variable in the site setting to the newly created JavaScript file within local_packages/success/Classes/ViewHelpers/FontMappingViewHelper.php.

Et voila - you can now choose the new font now in the Settings module and clear the cache, and the file is there.