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Actually new exam archive. And a little bit more.

Table of contents


Quick guide

  1. Run This will set up development environment and runs all needed commands. Script will also tell if you are missing some tooling listed below.
  2. (OPTIONAL) If you want to test with realish users, set up user-service and make sure that there's a service for Tärpistö, might need to change the permission bits to 770. By default, the service will just skip authentication and log you in. If local user service cookie is detected, Tärpistö tries to authenticate against it.
  3. Then go to

Other good to know commands

  • will start prod-like environment locally for testing Docker image. There is APP_ENV=development enabled for bypassing user service authentication.
  • runs ZAProxy's against app. Mainly used in CI, but also working locally.
  • runs Playwright test suite against app.
  • runs database seeds against local development database. Only needed if you want to have some development test data. Tests handles seeding itself.

Needed tools and dependencies

  • docker and docker-compose
  • tmux
  • curl
  • shasum
  • jq
  • npm ( will take care of this with nvm)
  • Prettier formatter extension for your editor

Adding more test files

By default, the local minio s3 is seeded with one PDF and one JPG. You can just upload more files, or see docker/minio.Dockerfile and docker/ for how to add more files the Minio image we build. If you add a file, you can then modify seeds/exams.js with the correct file name. Make the file an uuidv4 or something.

Seeding database with real data

  1. Run This will handle seeding development database with real-like data. All test processes handles this process itself and is not dependant of development database.

Docker warning

The .dockerignore is configured to work as a whitelist so if you add new files or folders which you want to include in the Docker image, update .dockerignore.

Environment variables

Key Value Needed for Example
PORT Port where Next.js app process will be running App 9000 for dev, 9010 for tests, 9020 for security tests, 9030 for local prod-like
NODE_ENV NODE_ENV tells Next.js in which kind of environment app is runned. development is enforced in dev and production is enforced in prod. App development for dev, production for prod
APP_ENV APP_ENV defines if selected app functions allowed in current environment. For example this is used to limit /admin to dev only. Created because Next.js enforces NODE_ENV values in dev and prod. App development for dev, production for prod
PG_CONNECTION_STRING Database connection string  Storing course and exam info postgresql://tarpisto:tarpisto@tarpisto:5432/tarpisto
USER_SERVICE_SERVICE_ID The UUID that you've assigned to this service in user-service Logging in, auth 11188b9c-9534-4faf-8355-60973b720647
USER_SERVICE_URL The address of the user service Logging in, auth
USER_SERVICE_SECRET The secret value that you've assigned to this service in user-service. Logging in, auth catlike-meringue-tying-PASTERN-bed-simply
 NEXTAUTH_URL  The url for current deployment environment. Used for callback url inside the NextAuth. Logging in, auth
NEXTAUTH_SECRET The secret value that is used to sign NextAuth JWT cookies. Logging in, auth catlike-meringue-tying-PASTERN-bed-simply
AWS_REGION Used AWS region where resources are Storing exam files eu-west-1
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Your AWS access key's ID Storing exam files tarpisto
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Your AWS secret access key Storing exam files tarpisto
AWS_S3_ENDPOINT Url used to communicate with S3 Storing exam files http://s3:9000
AWS_S3_BUCKET_ID ID of used S3 bucket Storing exam files tarpisto-local
OTEL_SERVICE_NAME Service name used when handling OpenTelemetry logs Logging tarpisto
OTEL_ENDPOINT Endpoint used to sent OpenTelemetry logs Logging http://opentelemetryendpoint
OTEL_AUTHORIZATION Authorization key used to sent OpenTelemetry logs Logging authorizationkey


MIT, see LICENSE file for details.