DynamicQuillTools is a library that allows you to dynamically add or remove new custom elements to/from a Quill Editor's toolbar. For instance a button or a drop down menu.
In this screenshot you can see a custom drop down menu and a custom button.
If you prefer CDNs you can include the library on your website like this:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/T-vK/DynamicQuillTools@master/DynamicQuillTools.js"></script>
For a full example take a look at example.html.
const myButton = new QuillToolbarButton({
icon: `<svg viewBox="0 0 18 18"> <path class="ql-stroke" d="M5,3V9a4.012,4.012,0,0,0,4,4H9a4.012,4.012,0,0,0,4-4V3"></path></svg>`
myButton.onClick = function(quill) {
alert('You just clicked the button!')
myButton.attach(quill) // Add the custom button to the quill editor
const myButton = new QuillToolbarButton({
icon: `<svg viewBox="0 0 18 18"> <path class="ql-stroke" d="M5,3V9a4.012,4.012,0,0,0,4,4H9a4.012,4.012,0,0,0,4-4V3"></path></svg>`
myButton.onClick = function(quill) {
// Do whatever you want here. You could use this.getValue() or this.setValue() if you wanted.
// For example, get the selected text and convert it to uppercase:
const { index, length } = quill.selection.savedRange
const selectedText = quill.getText(index, length)
const newText = selectedText.toUpperCase()
quill.deleteText(index, length)
quill.insertText(index, newText)
quill.setSelection(index, newText.length)
const dropDownItems = {
'Mike Smith': 'mike.smith@gmail.com',
'Jonathan Dyke': 'jonathan.dyke@yahoo.com',
'Max Anderson': 'max.anderson@gmail.com'
const myDropDown = new QuillToolbarDropDown({
label: "Email Addresses",
rememberSelection: false
myDropDown.onSelect = function(label, value, quill) {
// Do whatever you want with the new dropdown selection here
// For example, insert the value of the dropdown selection:
const { index, length } = quill.selection.savedRange
quill.deleteText(index, length)
quill.insertText(index, value)
quill.setSelection(index + value.length)