Simple Web server to serve PrivThing and also allow it to work on files from specified folders on current system
This is node web server which serves webcontent from client/build folder and also handles API /actions
client/build folder contains built PrivThing website - if you want to modify it - PrivThing can be found in separate repository here -
- download repository
- go to repository folder
- run npm install to install all node dependencies
- edit config.json (details in next section) to specify which folders and what kind of files you want to use in PrivThing
- run manually by executing node app.js
- this will start webserver at port specified in config.js file which by default is 888
- so served content should be available under http://localhost:8888
- filesFolders - list of folders files from which will be listed in hosted privThing
- extensions - only files with these extensions will be listed. "." is required
- open PrivThing http://localhost:8888
- go to Settings (menu icon top-right corner) and mark the following setting Enable file server & save
PrivThingServer handles simple api to retrieve list of files and also to update files - api is handled by actions route (http://localhost:8888/actions)
Actions api expects post request with body object with type property (example: {type: "getListOfFiles"}). Currently the following types are handled
- getListOfFiles - lists files from folders (folders and accepted file extensions are configured in config.json)
- retrieveFileFromPath - retrieves file from specified path (has to be path allowed in config.json)
- updateFileFromPath - updates file with content (file has to be of path allowed in config.json)
- Create service file - lets name it for example privThingService.service with the following content (placement of node might be different in your case)
Description=ListingFilesServer for PrivThing
ExecStart=/home/[youruser]/node/current-node/bin/node /home/[youruser]/[yourfolder]/app.js
- copy service to service
sudo cp privThingService.service /etc/systemd/system/privThingService.service
- Reload daemon
systemctl daemon-reload
- Enable service
sudo systemctl enable privThingService.service
- Start service
sudo systemctl start privThingService.service
- Other helpuf commands
sudo systemctl stop privThingService.service
sudo systemctl status privThingService.service