To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the
Example directory first.
iOS 8 and above, AFNetworking 2.6.3 (as pod dependency)
Docker is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Docker'
If you want to use our logger framework Blabber, use subpod
pod 'Docker/Blabber'
With Blabber you can manage all log messages or use CocoaLumberjack. In this case import also the corresponding subpod. See more details...
pod 'Docker/Blabber'
pod 'Blabber/CocoaLumberjack'
Docker is available under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Docker is a library that could be use to manage all communications with remote servers in easy way. Docker is composed by two modules.
SDServiceManager: to handle web service calls
SDDownloadManager: to handle resources download and local caching
SDServiceManager is the base class that handle web service calls. There's a sharedServiceManager as singleton, that can be used to call and manage all services that your app requires. SDServiceManager should never be used directly, but it's suggested to subclass it.
easy define of request (headers, parameters, HTTP method, base url, relative path)
easy define of response and error class and mapping
service in demo mode (test your service with static JSON files in your bundle)
simulate random time of interval in given range
simulate success response
simulate error response, HTTP status code with given probability of failure
@interface MyServiceManager : SDServiceManager
- (void) callServiceForNumUsers:(NSNumber*)num withCompletion:(ServiceCompletionSuccessHandler)completion failure:(ServiceCompletionFailureHandler)failure;
SDServiceManager use AFNetworking framework (version 2.0), so you should define AFHTTPRequestOperationManager to call services. In the initialization define your base service url in the defaultRequestOperationManager. If you need (ex. your application communicates with different web services) you can instantiate different requestOperationManager and assign them to the each specific server.
@implementation MyServiceManager
- (instancetype)init
self = [super init];
self.defaultRequestOperationManager = [[AFHTTPRequestOperationManager alloc] initWithBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]];
self.defaultRequestOperationManager.requestSerializer = [AFJSONRequestSerializer serializer];
self.defaultRequestOperationManager.requestSerializer.HTTPMethodsEncodingParametersInURI = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"GET", @"HEAD", nil];
self.defaultRequestOperationManager.responseSerializer = [AFJSONResponseSerializer serializer];
return self;
- (void) callServiceForNumUsers:(NSNumber*)num withCompletion:(ServiceCompletionSuccessHandler)completion failure:(ServiceCompletionFailureHandler)failure
SDServiceExample* service = [SDServiceExample new];
SDServiceExampleRequest* request = [SDServiceExampleRequest new];
request.numUsers = num;
[self callService:service withRequest:request operationType:0 delegate:nil completionSuccess:completion completionFailure:failure];
Each web service should be a subclass of SDServiceGeneric and should implement his protocols to define request, response and error behaviours. If your service has an application/json content-type, you can subclass SDServiceMantle that use Mantle framework to define the json mapping and value transformers.
In the example above you can see the define of the Service, the Request and the expectedResponse of a service.
@interface SDServiceExample : SDServiceMantle
@interface SDServiceExampleRequest : SDServiceMantleRequest
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSNumber* numUsers;
@interface MTLUser : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing>
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* firstName;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* lastName;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString* imageUrl;
@interface SDServiceExampleResponse : SDServiceMantleResponse
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<MTLUser*>* users;
In your Service implementation you should define:
the request operation manager that will be used
the relative path of the resource
the HTTP method
the response class that will map the response in case of success
the error class that will map the response in case of failure
@implementation SDServiceExample
- (AFHTTPRequestOperationManager *)requestOperationManager
return [MyServiceManager sharedServiceManager].defaultRequestOperationManager;
- (NSString*) pathResource
return @"/api";
- (SDHTTPMethod) requestMethodType
return SDHTTPMethodGET;
- (Class) responseClass
return [SDServiceExampleResponse class];
In your Request, Response and Error class you should define the mapping for each property. Ex, using Mantle
@implementation SDServiceExampleResponse
+ (NSDictionary*) JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey
return @{
+ (NSValueTransformer*) usersJSONTransformer
return [MTLJSONAdapter arrayTransformerWithModelClass:[MTLUser class]];
@implementation MTLUser
+ (NSDictionary*) JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey
return @{
For more details visit - SDServiceGenericProtocol to define all details of service (ex. also the local json to test it in demo mode) - SDServiceGenericRequestProtocol to define details about the request - SDServiceGenericResponseProtocol to define details about the response - SDServiceGenericErrorProtocol to define details about response in case of failure
SDDownloadManager is the main class that manage all download communications, cache the downloaded resources locally (in NSCache, File System, depending of given settings). It use AFHTTPRequestOperationManager of AFNetworking framework (vers. 2.0).
search resources from bundle before download (ex. in case you have a bundle seed)
can use file system to persist downloaded resources
can use NSCache to retrieve them faster
can use HEAD request to check new updates of a downloaded resource (compare modified date of server resource with your local one and if reveal an update it will download it)
can define the local path to persist resources
check global size of many resources to download in a batch operation
download many resources in a batch operation
SDDownloadImageView to handle download images in easy way
The main methods are:
- (void) getResourceAtUrl:(NSString* _Nonnull)urlString type:(DownloadOperationType)type options:(SDDownloadOptions* _Nullable)options completionSuccess:(SDDownloadManagerCompletionSuccessHandler _Nullable)completionSuccess progress:(SDDownloadManagerProgressHandler _Nullable)progress completionFailure:(SDDownloadManagerCompletionFailureHandler _Nullable)completionFailure;
- (void) getResourceWithRequest:(NSMutableURLRequest* _Nonnull)request type:(DownloadOperationType)type options:(SDDownloadOptions* _Nullable)options completionSuccess:(SDDownloadManagerCompletionSuccessHandler _Nullable)completionSuccess progress:(SDDownloadManagerProgressHandler _Nullable)progress completionFailure:(SDDownloadManagerCompletionFailureHandler _Nullable)completionFailure;
that looks for a resource locally and if not available or not still valid it will download it. Before all it looks in Memory Cache or File System (depending your settings) using MD5 of his url as key. If there is a resource locally, it checks the validity using the ExpirationDatePlist (depending useExpirationDatePlist settings) and checks its expiration date. If resource is still valid is returned immediately, otherwise it fires a HEAD request (depending of useHeadRequestToCheckUpdates setting) to compare the Modified-Date. If Modified-Date is the same, local resource is valid and returned, otherwise it starts to download the update. Once the resource is download it will update the expiration date inside the ExpirationDatePlist (if used), saved inside NSCache (if set) and into File System (if set). You can use the second signature with NSMutableRequest if the web server requires more specific parameters before providing resources (ex. header custom, HTTP post method, ...).
SDDownloadManager can be also used to count in batch the total size of resources at given urls.
- (void) countDownloadSizeForResourceAtUrls:(NSArray<NSString*>* _Nonnull)urlStrings options:(SDDownloadOptions* _Nullable)options progress:(SDDownloadManagerBatchOperationProgressHandler _Nullable)progress completion:(SDDownloadManagerCheckSizeCompletion _Nullable)completion
this method check all missing resources and count the amount of all Content-Lenght. After this, if you want to download all checked and missing resources, you can use
- (void) downloadAllElementsCheckedWithProgress:(SDDownloadManagerBatchOperationProgressHandler _Nullable)progress completion:(SDDownloadManagerBatchOperationCompletion _Nullable)completion;
If you don't need much control, but only to handle images from remote servers, you can use SDDownloadImageView. It's a subclass of UIImageView that handle download, persist, animation and many option about images stored in remote servers. Internally this class use SDDownloadManager features to provide all transparently for you.
NSString* urlString = @"";
SDDownloadImageView* downloadImageView = [SDDownloadImageView new];
downloadImageView.showActivityIndicatorWhileLoading = YES;
downloadImageView.showLocalImageBeforeCheckingValidity = YES;
downloadImageView.placeHolderImage = nil;
[downloadImageView setImageWithURLString:urlString completion:^(NSString* urlString, UIImage* image, DownloadOperationResultType resultType) {
For more details and options see attached example and documentation in the .h files.