This contains a bunch of functions and shell scripts to help with running Jenkinsfile pipeline builds. Funcitons like tagging a git version, deploying to Elastic Beanstalk, and pushing to dockerhub.
Include this repo as a git submodule in your repo by running:
git submodule add -b release jenkins_tools
The path is important as the functions expects to find itself in this directory when run from a Jenkinsfile.
Now it is included in your repo, to use it in a Jenkinsfile
you will
want to start out with something like:
node {
checkout scm
sh 'git submodule init && git submodule update --recursive'
Object docker = load 'jenkins_tools/groovy/docker.groovy'
docker.dockerComposeBuild true
The submodule line will ensure the latest committed version of sp-jenkins-build-tools is available for your build, and the next two lines are an example of how you include the tools into your repo and call a function from it.
If there is a new release out of the tools, in your repo, just cd
into the jenkins_tools
folder and run git pull
. Then go back in
to your repo and git add jenkins_tools
and commit that.
node {
stage('Clean and Checkout') {
checkout scm
sh 'git submodule init && git submodule update --recursive'
sh 'git clean -xdf'
// Import all of our library classes
docker = load 'jenkins_tools/groovy/docker.groovy'
deploy = load 'jenkins_tools/groovy/deploy.groovy'
version = load 'jenkins_tools/groovy/version.groovy'
git = load 'jenkins_tools/groovy/git.groovy'
Object docker = load 'jenkins_tools/groovy/docker.groovy'
docker.dockerComposeBuild true
stage('Run tests and coverage') {
// Make coverage folder so it doesn't get root owned
sh 'rm -rf coverage && mkdir -p coverage'
sh 'docker-compose run web gulp test'
archive 'coverage/'
String repo = 'my-github-repo'
String port = '3000'
String ram = '512'
String org = 'example'
String credentialId = 'my-aws-credentials-on-jenkins'
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
node {
docker.dockerTagPush repo, 'latest', env.BUILD_NUMBER
Object deploy = load 'jenkins_tools/groovy/deploy.groovy'
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'release') {
String ver = null
node {
// Find version from package to tag in github
ver = version.npmVersion()
stage('Prompt for release build/tagging') {
input "Proceed with tagging of ${ver}?"
stage('Tag git repo with new version') {
currentBuild.displayName = ver
currentBuild.description = "Release ${ver} build ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
node {
git.gitTag ver, "Release ${ver}"
docker.dockerTagPush repo, 'release', ver
String app = 'my-production-eb-app'
String activeEnv = ''
String newEnv = ''
node {
// Find current environment that holds the main cname
activeEnv = deploy.ebGetActiveEnv(app, 'my-prod-cname')
if (activeEnv == 'my-a-env) {
newEnv = 'my-b-env'
} else {
newEnv = 'my-a-env'
// Clone that environment to the off color one
deploy.ebClone(app, activeEnv, newEnv, 'my-staging-cname')
node {
stage('QA Environment and Swap URLs') {
input "Ready to promote https://${my-prod-cname} ?"
node {
stage('Terminate Old Environment') {
input "Ready to terminate old environment ${activeEnv} ?"
node {
deploy.ebTerminate(app, activeEnv)