# Retarded-Pong A Retarded Version of Pong Coded in Python using turtle module (not pygame)
run "Game Of Pong.py" directly to play (Requires Python + dependency (playsound)) if require to compile then see below
Music Produced by Myself as well I'm not great at it just threw something together quickly
w, s, up and down control the paddles Escape to quit game
i created this as part of my learning towards python next game will be pygame orientated
dependencies: python + playsound (google how to install python)
to install playsound (once you have python):
pip install playsound
pip3 install playsound
to compile in windows recommend: pyinstaller
to install:
pip install pyinstaller
pip3 install pyinstaller
pyinstaller --noconfirm --onefile --console --icon "Icon.ico" "Game Of Pong-nomusic.py"
notes: when compiled the music and sfx clash and the program crashes, so i recommend to compile the sfx version only which is this command