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This repository will be updated regularly for my good-practice coding files in terms of algorithms, such as Leetcode, etc.

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This repository will be updated regularly for my good-practice coding files in terms of algorithms, such as Leetcode, etc.

Exercise 1

paranthesis balancing: write a function that take a string of paranthesis at the input and returns the longestbalanced substring at the outputthe string is said to be balanced when the opening paranthesis has its corresponding matching closingparanthesis. Note that an opening paranthesis cannot match a closing paranthesis that comes before it andvice-versasample input :{{}}}{output : {{}}try and get the optimum big O notation (considering the worst case) and mention the reason for the same ina comment.

Exercise 2

Write a function that takes a list of cartesian co-ordinates (x,y) and returns the numbers of rectanlges formedby these co-ordinatiesa rectangle should have its four corners amongst the co-ordinates to be counted as a rectanlge. Onlyrectangles whos sides are parallel to the x and y axes to be considered.

sample input = coordinates = [ [0,0],[0,1],[1,1][1,0], [2,1][2,0],[3,1],[3,0] ]try and get the optimum big O notation (considering the worst case) and mention the reason for the same ina comment.

Exercise 3

City Council for City 'X' has decided to test recovered patients of COVID-19 so that it can safely confirm that patients cured of the virus are not getting infected again. Given the huge number of tests City 'X' needs to do on all its inhabitants, the council has decided not to test all recovered patients but instead choose 1 random recovered patients in every recoverd patient 5 . The list of the recovered patients is as below and can grow in future. The below list can be hard coded in your program: ['p1','p2','p3','p4','p5','p6','p7','p8','p9','p10','p11','p12','p13','p14','p15', 'p16','p17','p18','p19','p20']

The batch size of 5 can change depending on whether City 'X' wants to do more or less testing. Before choosing the next patient, City 'X' also needs to record the test date as its an important paramter to know when the patient was tested. Only print the test date in your program Write an object-oriented python program that helps City 'X' choose recovered patients for testing.

Exercise 4

The below code contains a logical error and prints 'None'. Make changes in the code to print 'from 3'

def function1(value): return value def function2(func): func() def function3(): return 'from 3' print(function1(function2(function3)))

Exercise 5

One vital part of Smart City are hospitals . How would you model hospitals in object oriented python programming ? All Hospitals must contain atleast 15 beds . The number of beds should be allowed to modified if in future we plan to reduce or increase the minimum bed condition. Each hospital must contain: name number of doctos numbers of nurses medical speciality it caters to (for eg hospital A caters to : orthopedic, cardiac and hospital B caters to general medicine and neurosurgery). Each of the above property can change. Medical speciality can be added to hospitals but existing ones cannot be removed or modified.

Exercise 6

Email address provide a lot of information in terms of domains and sub domains. Write a python function that expects a email address as input and gets decorated with two extractor function : one for domain extraction and the other for subdomain extraction Once extracted only print the domain, sub domain name

Exercise 7

Game Mechanics: The game is a card game between two entities. The game can be played between two humans or a human and a machine. Choose a set of characters(fictional or real) and their characteristics. Characteristics are represented by a specific numeric value indicating the strength of the characteristic (strength may be indicated by negative or positive numeric value). Each card contains only one character and its characteristics. Characteristics must be same across all characters but can vary in strength. No characteristic across characters can share the same value. The two entities will be called Player 1 and Player 2 hence. Distribute the cards equally among player 1 and player 2 face down such that the players cannot see the characters they have been given. Simulate a dice throw by both player 1 and player 2 where the highest number starts first Constraints : Each player gets two special spells (God and Resurrect) . These spells are not associated to the characters but is assoicated to the player itself Each round is played as below: Player 1 : chooses the first card from the deck and can : play a charactertistic he wishes to challenge player 2 with . Player 2 chooses the first card in his deck and compares the charactertistic. The round is won by the Player whose characteristic weighs more and gets 1 point. The 2 cards are then kept faced down on a different deck called 'outdated'(the cards in the outdated deck are schuflled in a random order after each card is placed). In round 2 , The player who won the previous round begins by choosing the next card in his deck and the round proceeds as above. Spells: In each round a player can decide to play the God spell or the Resurrect spell along with challenging with a characteristic. God Spell: The player who starts the round must choose the next card and characteristic on his deck. After choosing he can play the God spell, forcing the opponenet player to play any card that he chooses. The game proceeds with the comparision of the the charactestic on the choosen card. Resurrect Spell: Before choosing the next card and characteristic, the player who starts the round can choose Resurrect spell. Choosing Resurrect will create a random number and the card at the that random number position from the 'outdated' deck will be choosen. The card present at the random number at the 'outdated' deck will be added back to the top of the player deck. The player must then play this card. When Player 1 plays the God spell , Player 2 cannot play the God spell as he is forced to choose the card, however player 2 can play the Resurrect spell and add a new card to the top of his deck. Player 1 can then force the resurrected card to be choosen or can go with his earlier choice. God and Resurrect spell can only be played once by each Player. The Game ends when all cards of one / both players have been played. The game is won by the player with maximum points. Please note : the game mechanics is not perfect and can imbalence the game , but for the purpose of this exercise that can be overlooked.

Exercise 8

Write a function that takes two string S1 and S2 at its input and returns a boolean denoting whether S2 matches / contains S1. (avoid using python regex or in build python regex matching features) S1 is a sequence of: a-z - which stands for itself S2 is a sequence of any number of the following: a-z - which stands for itself .(dot) - which matches 1 occurrence of any character (star)- which matches 0 or more occurrences of the previous single character Examples: S1 = "aba" , S2 = "ab" => false S1 = "aa" , S2 = "a" => true S1 = "ab" , S2 = "." => true S1 = "ab", S2 = "." => false S1 = "aab" , S2 = "cab" => true S1 = "aaa" , S2 = "a*" => true

Exercise 9

Development and enhancement of the performance of python library GNE in terms of input argument change from HTML to URL, implementation of asyncio for performance improvement.

Exercise 10

Imagine that you want to schedule a meeting of a certain duration with a co-worker. You have access to yourcalendar and your co-worker's calendar (both of which contain your respective meetings for the day, in theform of [startTime,endTime] , as well as both of your daily working hours (i.e., the earliest and latest timesat which you're available for meetings every day, in the form of [earliestStartTime,latestEndTime]during which you could schedule the meeting.Write a function that takes in your calendar, your daily working hours, your co-worker's calendar, your co-worker's working hours, and the duration of the meeting that you want to schedule, and that returns a list ofall the time blocks (in the form of [startTime,endTime] during which you could schedule the meeting.Note that times will be given and should be returned in 24 hour clock.

For example: [8:30,23:59] andmeeting durations will always be in minutesSample InputYourCalendar = [['9:00', '10:30'], ['12:00', '13:00'], ['16:00', '18:00']]YourWorkingHours = ['9:00', '20:00']YourCoWorkersCalendar = [['10:00', '11:30'], ['12:30', '14:30'], ['14:30','15:00'], ['16:00', '17:00']]YourCoWorkersWorkingHours = ['10:00', '18:30']meetingDuration = 30Sample Output:[['11:30', '12:00'], ['15:00', '16:00'], ['18:00', '18:30']]

Exercise 11

ou're given a non-empty array of arrays where each subarray holds three integers and represents a disk.These integers denote each disk's width, depth, and height, respectively. Your goal is to stack up the disks andto maximize the total height of the stack. A disk must have a strictly smaller width, depth, and height than anyother disk below it.Write a function that returns an array of the disks in the final stack, starting with the top disk and ending withthe bottom disk. Note that you can't rotate disks; in other words, the integers in each subarray must represent[width, depth, height] at all timesSample Input[[2, 1, 2], [3, 2, 3], [2, 2, 8], [2, 3, 4], [1, 3, 1], [4, 4, 5]]Sample Output (Read the disks from left to right)[[4, 4, 5], [3, 2, 3], [2, 1, 2]]Explaination : 10 (5 + 3 + 2) is the tallest height we can get by stacking disksWhen more than combination equals the maximum height , all combinations must be present in the output.


This repository will be updated regularly for my good-practice coding files in terms of algorithms, such as Leetcode, etc.






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