Python program to merge, modify and upload HTML export for your own needs! After uploading you can use the changed files to display them with a custom substitution website
- click on "update Config" -> "vertretungsplan.conf" will open
- add server = ..., username = ..., password = ... -> example: vertretungsplan-example.conf
- Choose folder for teacher today, teacher tomorrow, student today and student tomorrow with "subst_001 - subst_n" data -> example: tempUntisData
- click the "start program" button
-> the "subst_001 - subst_n" data in the folders come from the untis html export
The program gets all "subst_001 - subst_n" data in the specified folder and do the following:
- merge all files in folder to one file i.e.: "LehrerAllHeute.html"
- change the html of the file to remove styles and some tags which aren´t needed -> see:
- add some specific ID´s, which are needed for displaying the data correctly on the "" website
- create a timeStamp.txt file with the current date and time
- upload all merged files and the timeStamp file to the specified ftp-server
You need to pip install:
- "pip install configobj"
- "pip install beautifulsoup4"
Build .exe with PyInstaller
- (October 2017) PyInstaller works with Python 2.7 and 3.3—3.6
- use it in the directory of with: "pyinstaller"
- Bug: only lower case names work with PyInstaller ->
- all the data needed is in the "dist" folder
- add a new "vertretungsplan.conf" file to the folder so the program can write and save your configs