A docker image that alerts slack when an automated stream restart has taken place.
If you've provided a streams.json
in the same directory as index.json
or mount
it as a volume into your container, this script will look to see if there
is a stream that it can recreate from it. If it can, it will delete that existing
stream from primary and recreate it.
- slack webhook url (https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks)
- node v10.16.3
The following environment variables need to be provided for this to work:
the /api/sources endpoint in StreamMachine. (Example:http://streammachine_url/api/streams
) If this endpoint is in a private network, then this script needs to either run within that network or have access to that endpoing.WEBHOOK_URL
slack webhook URL. (Example: https://hooks.slack.com/services/LISAFRANK/BLAHBLAHUNICORNS124)
This can be set up to run as a regular cronjob on a machine (node index.js
or set up as a container running as a kubernetes cronjob.
The meat of the script is in index.js